Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 March, 2020

Reception completed Online “Talk for Writing”

Reception completed Online “Talk for Writing” - reception-completed-online-talk-for-writing
Reception completed Online “Talk for Writing”

Since the start of Online Learning, we have received many positive feedback from parents. 

Here is an example of Jessie, a student in Early Years Reception class who completed a fantastic piece of work for Talk for Writing.

Feedback and response from Jessie's parents:

“We enjoyed listening to the Hungry Caterpillar story again and completed the days of the week exercise. Jessica cut out everything herself and glued it in the right order. We also talked about the beginning, middle and end. Jessica drew the pictures herself from the sheet Mrs Brenda sent. She really enjoyed this, we have attached a video as the paper was too long to photograph.”

Mr. Burt’s reply to Jessica:

“Jessica great cutting out and sticking! You must really understand and know the story well! You have managed to stick all of the pictures in the right order, well done!

I think your Story Map is an exceptional piece of work. I love it! You have drawn, coloured and made a fantastic story map. It is great that you have labeled the story in sections, beginning middle and end. I am super impressed with your work and you should be very proud.”

Mr. Clayton Burt

Head of Early Years