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News image Year 11 IB Diploma Options Presentation Video - Year 11 IB Diploma Options Presentation Video News
Year 11 IB Diploma Options Presentation Video
Thank you for attending the Year 11 Options Evening held online on 28th November, 2022.
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News image Image_Shunyi_Beijing_2021_050 News
Points don’t mean prizes: The best way to motivate children at school and home
In this article, Dr Terry Creissen gives his insights into Nord Anglia’s approach to motivating children by encouraging deeper engagement.
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News image “The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2 News | Journalists
“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2
Check out the latest issue! This e-newspaper is published by our Young Journalist Co-Curricular Activities (CCA), which is made up of 24 students in Years 5 and 6. 
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News image Year 6 Earth Shattering Events - Year 6 Earth Shattering Events News
Year 6 Earth Shattering Events

Year 6 have been busy learning all about tectonic plates as part of our latest Science unit – Earth Shattering Events.

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News image Year 7 Pasta Car STEAM Challenge - Year 7 Pasta Car STEAM Challenge News | Global Campus
Year 7 Pasta Car STEAM Challenge

Year 7 successfully displayed various MIT Learner Ambitions by being CREATIVE, RESILIENT and COLLABORATIVE.

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News image Global Perspectives – Developing Citizens of the Future  - Global Perspectives Developing Citizens of the Future News
Global Perspectives – Developing Citizens of the Future

Let’s take a peek inside at our Year 10 IGCSE students’ Global Perspectives lessons and see how they develop these important transferable skills that will be useful in higher education and as active citizens of the future.

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News image Happy Nursery Rhymes Week - Happy Nursery Rhymes Week News
Happy Nursery Rhymes Week!
Nursery rhymes play an important role in early childhood development and education. 
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News image World Children’s Day Extravaganza at BSB 2022 - World Childrens Day 2022 News
World Children’s Day Extravaganza at BSB 2022

BSB students enjoyed a variety of activities to learn about UNICEF and the rights of children, work on a project to support a local orphanage and celebrate the joys of being a child!

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News image The Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze International Award Year 11 two-day hike Nov 2022 - The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze International Award Year 11 hike Nov 2022 News
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze International Award Year 11 two-day hike Nov 2022
On Friday 4th November and Saturday 5th November, forty six Year 11 students successfully completed a practice orienteering hike and night camp. 
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News image BSB Choir delighted audiences at the British Ball 2022 - BSB Choir delighted audiences at the British Ball 2022 News | Performing Arts
BSB Choir delighted audiences at the British Ball 2022
On Saturday 12th November, the Year 5 and 6 Choir performed once again at the annual British Ball Beijing. What an experience! 
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News image 2022 Remembrance Day Ceremony - 2022 Remembrance Day Ceremony News
2022 Remembrance Day Ceremony
On 11th November, the whole school joined together for a Remembrance Day Commemoration Ceremony. 
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News image Spanish students get a taste of Mexican traditions! - Spanish students get a taste of Mexican tradition News
Spanish students get a taste of Mexican traditions!

Let’s take a look at the interesting learning activities happening in Years 7 and 12 Spanish lessons!

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News image Amazing Talents displayed at Digital Art Exhibition - Amazing Talents displayed at Digital Art Exhibition News
Amazing Talents displayed at Digital Art Exhibition

Congratulations to our 15 enthusiastic Years 5 and 6 students who’ve successfully held their Digital Art and Photography Exhibition on 8th November!

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News image What’s the best thing about Year 6 Play in a Week? - Year 6 Play in a Week 2022 News | Performing Arts
What’s the best thing about Year 6 Play in a Week?
Year 6 students spend one week working on making the best play they can and gave a fabulous show too!  
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News image Call To Earth Day 2022 Living Oceans Turning the Tide - Call To Earth Day 2022 Living Oceans Turning the Tide News
Call To Earth Day 2022 “Living Oceans: Turning the Tide”

The whole school come together to celebrate #CallToEarth Day to help protect our oceans!

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News image October News from German Primary School - October News from German Primary School News
October News from German Primary School

The school year in German Primary School (GPS) at BSB Shunyi has got off to a great start.

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News image “The Weekly BSB ” 2022-2023 Issue 1 - The Weekly BSB  2022 2023 Issue 1 News | Journalists
“The Weekly BSB ” 2022-2023 Issue 1
"The Weekly BSB" is our e-newspaper presented by our Young Journalist Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) which is made up of students in Years 5 and 6.
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News image Year 5 Mission to Mars - Year 5 Mission to Mars News
Year 5 Mission to Mars
Let's find out how and why NASA plan for missions to Mars! 
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News image Meet Deputy Head of EU Delegation to China – Mr. Harrington  - Meet Deputy Head of EU Delegation to China Mr Harrington News
Meet Deputy Head of EU Delegation to China – Mr. Harrington

Our Year 13 IB Diploma Economic class are excited to have the honour of meeting Mr. Timothy Harrington, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to China, for a face-to-face conversation. 

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News image Teddies exploring new Learning Space - Teddies exploring new Learning Space News
Teddies exploring new Learning Space
It is amazing to see our Teddies classroom full of smiles and excitement to learn and develop new friendships. 
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