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News image Get your tickets to BSB Musical Guys and Dolls - Get your tickets to BSB Musical Guys and Dolls News
Get your tickets to BSB Musical "Guys and Dolls"

We are excited to announce that our Secondary Production “Guys and Dolls” will be held in March!

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News image Drama Students inspired by Juilliard Specialist Feb 2024 - Drama Students inspired by Juilliard Specialist Feb 2024 News
Drama Students inspired by Juilliard Specialist Feb 2024

We are delighted to welcome Juilliard Drama Specialist Nick Mahmat from New York to BSB!

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News image Why Celebrate International  Mother Tongue Day? - Why Celebrate International  Mother Tongue Day News
Why Celebrate International Mother Tongue Day?

Let's embrace the rich tapestry of our linguistic community together!

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News image BSB is proud to be a Pilot School for the Metacognition Research Project - BSB is proud to be a Pilot School for the Metacognition Research Project News
BSB is proud to be a Pilot School for the Metacognition Research Project
 BSB is proud to be a pilot school for the ‘Metacognition Research Project’, run by Nord Anglia Education and the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at BostonCollege.
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News image BSB celebrates the Year of the Dragon - BSB celebrates the Year of the Dragon News
BSB celebrates the Year of the Dragon
BSB Shunyi wishes everyone a happy and prosperous Year of the Dragon!
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News image Be Inpired by the Love of Art at BSB - Be Inpired by the Love of Art at BSB News
Be Inpired by the Love of Art at BSB

This week, we opened an exhibition of all the amazing artwork that was entered into the Primary and Secondary Student Council's Calendar Competition.

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News image MIT STEAM Club Challenge Balloon Car Race Winners - MIT STEAM Club Challenge Balloon Car Race Winners News
MIT STEAM Club Challenge - Balloon Car Race Winners!
The winning group in the MIT STEAM Club Challenge on "Movement" was determined through a balloon car race.  Read more!
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News image INSIGHTS Does your child know they matter - INSIGHTS Does your child know they matter News
INSIGHTS Does your child know they matter?
Read the latest article published by Nord Anglia’s INSIGHTS magazine “Helping Kids see that they matter for who they are and not what they achieve” .
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News image Year 1 Assembly "Be The Best That You Can Be" - Year 1 Assembly Be The Best That You Can Be News
Year 1 Assembly "Be The Best That You Can Be"
Year 1C performed their Class Assembly 'Be the Best That You Can Be'. 
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News image Year 6 built their own Seismographs - Year 6 Engineers build their own Seismographs News
Year 6 Engineers build their own Seismographs
In Science, Year 6 are excited to build their own seismographs and earthquake-resistant towers.
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News image An Inspiring Week of Interdisciplinary Learning - An Inspiring Week of Interdisciplinary Learning News
An Inspiring Week of Interdisciplinary Learning
This week, our Key Stage 3 students delved into an interdisciplinary project, collaborating across subjects under the theme of "Discovery." 
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News image Year 4 shone in  PIAW "Wiz Wham Alakazam" - Year 4 shone in  PIAW Wiz Wham Alakazam News
Year 4 shone in PIAW "Wiz Wham Alakazam"

Our Play-In-A-Week ensures every single student has the opportunity to experience the excitement and joy that comes from participating in musical theatre and our stars truly shone!

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News image BSB Jack performed at The Tianjin Juilliard School - BSB Jack performed at The Tianjin Juilliard School News
BSB Jack performed at The Tianjin Juilliard School
Jack is one of our talented Year 9 musicians who recently performed at The Juilliard School in Tianjin.
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News image Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard Apply before 15th Feb 2024 - Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard Apply before 15th Feb 2024 News
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard – Apply before 15th Feb, 2024!
Join us for an intensive Summer Performing Arts experience with Juilliard Artist Faculty
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News image BSB won 2nd place in the Battle of the Books Round 2 - BSB won 2nd place in the Battle of the Books Round 2 News
BSB won 2nd place in the Battle of the Books Round 2

Our 2 BSB Teams were represented by 10 talented students and we won 2nd place!

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