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News image Year 3 Project DNA - Bee the Change - Year 3 Project DNA - Bee the Change News
Year 3 Project DNA - Bee the Change

As part of our recent exciting Project DNA science unit “Bee the Change”, students journeyed through the incredible world of insects.

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News image Year 4 Play in a Week Pied Piper of Hamelin - Year 4 Play in a Week Pied Piper of Hamelin News
Year 4 Play in a Week - Pied Piper of Hamelin
Well done Year 4 Team for successfully completed their Play in a Week and gave 4 great performances!
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News image Year 5 Cool Cooking Unit - Year 5 Cool Cooking Unit News
Year 5 Cool Cooking Unit
Year 5 celebrated our Cool Cooking unit by making our very own pizzas! 
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News image Roots and Shoots raised funds for Nature Garden - Roots and Shoots raised funds for Nature Garden News
Roots and Shoots raised funds for Nature Garden
We are delighted to announce that our Roots and Shoots Bake Sale has raised over 5500 RMB!
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News image Student Council visits children at Dew Drops - Student Council visits children at Dew Drops News
Student Council visits children at Dew Drops

BSB Shunyi has supported this charity organisation in many occasions and it was interesting to see what the money we raised at BSB is used for.

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News image Principal's Update - 21 March, 2023 - Principals Update 21 March 2023 News
Principal's Update - 21 March, 2023
Ms. Nonie Adams, our Head of Primary School, is leaving BSB after 7 years with us and we are pleased to introduce to you Ms. Abigail Alexis-Olubuyide who will join us in August 2023. 
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News image ACAMIS Technology Conference at BSB – a Huge Success! - ACAMIS Technology Conference at BSB a  Huge Success News
ACAMIS Technology Conference at BSB – a Huge Success!

ACAMIS and The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi successfully hosted a much-awaited face to face ACAMIS Technology Conference from 18th – 19th March, 2023.

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News image German Primary GK3 experience Medieval Times - German Primary GK3 experience Medieval Times News
German Primary GK3 experience Medieval Times

Over the last few weeks in our Topic lessons, German Primary GK3 students have been learning about medieval times and different areas of medieval life such as education, living conditions, food and professions.

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News image Nursery welcomes Spring - Nursery welcomes Spring News
Nursery welcomes Spring
March is a busy time in Nursery. The weather has been wonderful and the children are spending more and more time in the outdoor area.
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News image Sign up for Math Kangaroo and CEMC Math Competitions - Sign up for Math Kangaroo and CEMC Math Competition News
Sign up for Math Kangaroo and CEMC Math Competitions
We are delighted to share the details of two exciting competition opportunities for BSB students. 
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News image BSB Students heading to 2023 NAE-UNICEF Summit in New York! - BSB Students heading to NAE-UNICEF Summit in New York News | Global Campus
BSB Students heading to 2023 NAE-UNICEF Summit in New York!

We are delighted to announce that Lily and Wendy have been selected as our Student Ambassadors to represent BSB Shunyi in this year's NAE-UNICEF Student Summit!

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News image Great Speeches by Korean Students on the Topic of Feminism - Great Speeches by Korean Students on the Topic of Feminism News
Great Speeches by Korean Students on the Topic of Feminism

To celebrate World Women’s Day on March 8th, Y11 Korean students delivered speeches related to the feminism topic that they have chosen.

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News image BSB Year 13 Early University Acceptance Offers - BSB Year 13 Early University Acceptance Offers News | University
BSB Year 13 Early University Acceptance Offers

Congratulations to our BSB Shunyi Year 13 students on an impressive range of early university acceptance offers from some of the world’s top universities!

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News image Happy Pi Day from BSB Shunyi! - Happy Pi Day from BSB Shunyi News
Happy Pi Day from BSB Shunyi!
Today our students have been celebrating Pi and its many applications outside of the mathematics classroom!
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News image Support our Teachers - Laps for Life Challenge - Support our Teachers - Laps for Life Challenge News
Support our Teachers in "Laps for Life" Challenge

Support our BSB Teacher's Team "Shunyi Sharks" in their “Laps for Life” Challenge!

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News image Reflections on International Women’s Day - Reflections on International Womens Day News
Reflections on International Women’s Day
Please watch a video and message from our Principal Mrs. Needham and an article written by Year 8 student Noella Kim.
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News image Secondary Inter House Sports Returns - Secondary Inter House Sports Returns News
Secondary Inter House Sports Returns!

See Winners for the Years 7 - 11 House Badminton and Swimming events!

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News image BSB celebrated Portable Magic Book Week 2023 - BSB celebrated Portable Magic Book Week 2023 News
BSB celebrated Portable Magic Book Week 2023

BSB students and teachers participated in many fun and exciting activities and had a brilliant week celebrating books.

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News image Principal's Update 3rd March, 2023 - Principals Update 3rd March 2023 News
Principal's Update 3rd March, 2023
Please see an update from Mrs. Needham including the 2023-2024 BSB Shunyi School Calendar and Parent Survey.
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News image Maths at BSB: A Year 7 Perspective - Maths at BSB A Year 7 Perspective News
Maths at BSB: A Year 7 Perspective
Please see an article written by Year 7 student Jason Yu
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