Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 August, 2024


Einschulung! | BSB Sanlitun - Einschulung

At BSB, Sanlitun we have a number of native German speaking students studying with us. The students have weekly German classes which allows them to continue to study German and advance their language skills, as well as being fully immersed in an English-speaking environment – giving our students the opportunity to leave BSB, Sanlitun bilingual!

Einschulung! | BSB Sanlitun - Einschulung

Einschulung! | BSB Sanlitun - Einschulung


In Germany, the first day of school is known as Einschulung and is a very important tradition, where families celebrate with small festivals, special church services and gatherings at school, and by giving their child a Schultüte (a decorated cone) filled with sweets, school supplies, books and other treats to celebrate the special day.


Einschulung! | BSB Sanlitun - Einschulung

Einschulung! | BSB Sanlitun - Einschulung


do not miss out on this exciting tradition, Ms. Valeria Hammami (Head of German) invited all our German year 1 students to bring their Schultüte to school with them!

Einschulung! | BSB Sanlitun - Einschulung


Thank you, Ms. Hammami – our students really enjoyed showing us their Schultüte and we all loved learning about this great tradition.