Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 May, 2024

Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6

Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6 | BSB Sanlitun - Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6

During the past month, Year 6 have explored the outstanding achievements of Ancient Greek civilisation.

We started this topic with an open-ended scavenger hunt in which we explored aspects of daily life In Ancient Greece – this involved learning about Ancient Greek food, entertainment, employment, dress, schooling and the position of women and slaves in Ancient Greek society. Once we had a conception of the generalities of life in Ancient Greece, we then learnt about how the Ancient Greeks understood their place in the cosmos with a look at their mythology and religious beliefs.

Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6 | BSB Sanlitun - Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6

As a follow-up to sports day, we then conducted our very own in-classroom ancient Greek Olympics! Representing the Ancient Greek city states of Thebes, Sparta and Athens, we competed in javelin and discus throwing and chariot racing; the winners were crowned with wreaths of olive leaves.

Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6 | BSB Sanlitun - Exploring Ancient Greek Civilisation in Year 6



By Anthony Gillum-Webb

Year 6 Falcons Class Teacher