Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 May, 2024

EAL Update

EAL Update | BSB Sanlitun - EAL Update

"The single most important skill you must have to lead is the ability to tell your own story." - Bo Eason

Year 4 have been working together to create posters about the solar system. They researched the different planets and moons in our solar system and created fun fact-files that they presented to their classmates.  

EAL Update | BSB Sanlitun - EAL Update


Year 5 have had a blast interviewing each other. They worked together to create bar charts depicting the class’s favourite animals, food and planets. Interviewing each other made them realise just how much in common they all have with each other. They also learnt about each other’s achievements and history, and constructed biographies about one another. It was quite an eye-opener learning how many accomplished Taekwondo practitioners and musicians we have!


By Jay Lee

Head of EAL