Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 February, 2024

Super Sculptors!

Super Sculptors! | BSB Sanlitun - Super Sculptors

Year 2 have been exploring all things castles and dragons since we returned from the Chinese New Year holidays as part of our ‘Who would you be if you lived in a castle?’ Topic. 

The children have been particularly excited about the dragons! This has included designing dragons, using their imagination to describe what dragon may come from our dragon eggs and drawing dragon eyes in Art. 

Super Sculptors! | BSB Sanlitun - Super Sculptors


This week, it was time to sculpt our dragon eyes using our drawings as inspiration. The children got their clay boards ready, water, tools and some air-dry clay. They then carefully selected a glass dragon eye bead to be the focal point of their creation. Carefully, they shaped and moulded the clay, pressed in their bead, used the tools to add details and left them to dry. We can’t wait to see what they will look like next week when they are painted. 

Super Sculptors! | BSB Sanlitun - Super Sculptors 


To continue our dragon theme, we are even focusing on dragon stories written by female authors for Book Week next week too! It’s been great to see the Year 2 children so enthusiastic about their learning.


By Emily Kingett

Year 2 Elephants Class Teacher