Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 November, 2023

Nursery Exploring Transportation

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation

In Nursery, we have been exploring a learning topic – transport. Children were engaging in different learning activities to further develop their understanding of land, air and water transport and other developmental skills.

For example, children were invited to a sailing music game that combined the learning of direction with the understanding of different types of water transport such as submarine, cruise, jet ski etc. Alongside this topic, a sensory small world was also set up for children to enjoy imaginative plays as well as develop engaging interactions with friends. It was lovely to hear them sharing with friends their boating experiences and, fun times at the beach with their parents.

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation


They were invited to a transport memory game that challenged their concentration and memory, apart from the vocabulary extension. Children were also engaged in drawing the transport out with different shapes. It told us what type of transport they like: submarines, airplanes and cars are very popular.

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation

And, in children-led play times, with construction resources, they made a very long choo choo train, cars and tractors, making train tracks and routes for racing cars; they came up with wonderful and creative ideas for role plays, for example, the pilot called out ‘the wind is coming’ and other children were seen moving side to side. How lovely!

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation

Nursery Exploring Transportation | BSB Sanlitun - Nursery Exploring Transportation



By TingTing Jing

Nursery Butterfly Fish Class Teacher