Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 October, 2023

Learning Beyond the Books

Learning Beyond the Books | BSB Sanlitun - Learning Beyond the Books

Here at BSB, children have always had the wonderful opportunity to explore and expand their learning beyond textbooks.

Reception and Nursery children had their Chinese culture lessons about traditional clothes and the essential landmarks on Beijing’s central axis. Children have been really creative to showcase their learning. They had so much fun with the hands-on activities. Check out the marvelous work from our young learners!


Learning Beyond the Books | BSB Sanlitun - Learning Beyond the Books

In Year 3 native class, children had worked hard on their Chinese characters. We use colorful paper strips as strokes to form different Chinese characters while deepening our understanding of Chinese characters and feeling the differences in them caused by radical changes. It helped with not only remembering the structure but also the order of strokes. 

One of the highlights in Chinese classrooms was the learning beyond textbooks. All the activities sparked creativity and endless discussions amongst the children.



By Chrissy Zhang

Head of Chinese