Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 September, 2023

Precise like Piet!

Precise like Piet! | BSB Sanlitun - Precise like Piet

The Year 2 children have been enjoying their first Art lesson of the year this week and learnt all about Piet Mondrian.

Precise like Piet! | BSB Sanlitun - Precise like Piet


They found it really interesting to learn that Mondrian was a teacher and enjoyed painting different landscapes. Then, he discovered that he loved creating abstract Art using red, blue and green which are the primary colours. This was a great conversation starter and we loved talking about the different interests we have and what Art we like creating best. Some of the children shared that they loved drawing, some enjoy painting, and some said their favourite was sculpting with clay.  

Precise like Piet! | BSB Sanlitun - Precise like Piet  


The children explored some of his work and then had a go at creating their own masterpiece. We were amazed at how precise the children were being at ensuring they only left small gaps between the colours and how carefully they glued the pieces on once they were happy with the placement. We can already tell what a creative cohort we have and we look forward to sharing many more of our Art pieces in the future.

Precise like Piet! | BSB Sanlitun - Precise like Piet



By Emily Kingett

Year 2 Elephants Class Teacher