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Join Our Open Morning (for students ages 0-4)
It’s a Christmas spirit in the Nursery classrooms. We started off with a story ‘Dear Santa’ where the children talked about Santa and Christmas. We then read the story ‘The Snowman’ where the children imagined where the snowman could have went.
We explored the world of Santa by role -playing Santa and the many things he does. We wrote letters to Santa to tell him what we wanted. We made a calendar for the coming year using different materials. We made a Christmas tree using the whiteboard and laminated sheets.
We then made our very own salt dough ornament for our tree thus developing fine motor skills further. We had a Jumper day thus spreading the generosity of Christmas to others like the children from the Migrant Children's Foundation by donating toys and Christmas cheer to them.
This week we will explore why things happen and how things work thus developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time. We can predict what happens when ice heats up and learning vocabulary words such as; solid, liquid and gas. We will also explore colour mixing by placing salt in a tray and making children use coloured water filled droppers to squeeze on the salt and see how colours mix together.
We will create our own Christmas cards that can go out to any family member. We will watch the story of ‘The Snowman’ and complete a melted Snowman Art activity by using shaving foam and glue together to make puffy paint. We flatten a heap of the puffy paint onto blue paint, add a nose, googly eyes and circles thus recapping shapes.
We will visit a Santa shop to do our Christmas shopping and sing many Christmas songs. For Maths we will explore the number four and five using different representations to identify the numbers and playing games that further expand the counting of the numbers.
It surely has been a start to wonderful memories for our little buds in Nursery with all the Christmas cheer and fun. We look forward to next week’s Christmas party and our winter holidays.
Have a super fun filled holiday!
By Hawa Mahomed
Nursery Clownfish teacher
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