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Join Our Open Morning (for students ages 0-4)
Year 5 had an amazing first term learning about 'Infinity and Beyond'. They have been keeping all of their 'out-of-this-world' learning in their new topic scrap books.
Using their scrap books as a place to orangise and revisit what they have learnt over the term has given them a chance for them to present their work in a different way, which they have really enjoyed. This has meant that not only have they focused on their topic content but they have also applied their literacy, presentation and 'Be Ambitious' accuracy skills too!
The children are really proud of their work and have enjoyed looking back over everything they have learnt. They have worked with partners and in groups for lots of the activities, collaborating and sharing their best ideas. Take a look at some of our fantastic Year 5's children's proudest pages, in the photos above.
Whether it be the phases of the moon, the space race, time zones, the Solar System, the most populated cities on Earth or much much more, their knowledge and understanding has reached beyond the stars!
By Alexandra Chambers
Year 5 Flamingos Teacher
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