Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
12 March, 2021

Teacher Profile - Poppy Thompson

Teacher Profile - Poppy Thompson - teacher-profile--poppy-thompson
Teacher Profile - Poppy Thompson

We have an amazing team of inspirational teachers here at the British School of Beijing, Sanlitun, all of whom are passionate about teaching and learning and ensuring each and every one of our students make exceptional progress.

This week, we interviewed Poppy Thompson, the Nursery Rainbow Fish teacher, who talks about her teaching life at BSB Sanlitun and more!

Q: Why did you decide to teach at BSB Sanlitun?

When applying for a new role overseas, I looked to China as my brother, sister-in-law and niece lived in Beijing already. I came across the job role at BSB Sanlitun and it fitted everything I was looking for. I researched into the Nord Anglia organisation a bit more and reading about their vision and approach to flexible learning for children, the great diversity, good reputation, and the big focus on their values of being kind, I decided this was perfect for me. 

Q: What is your role at BSB Sanlitun?

My role at BSB Sanlitun is Rainbow Fish Nursery Teacher and Art Lead for Early Years.

Q: Describe a day in your life at school. 

No day is ever the same when you're working with 3 and 4 year olds! 

A typical day would start with the children coming up to the classroom always eager to tell me something exciting that has happened at home or on the way to Nursery! In the mornings I will teach the children our topic activity which is different each day and introducing our phonics sound or activity for the day. We will have an outdoor or soft play time during our morning session before getting ready for lunch! In an afternoon I will teach the number of the week, looking at different ways we can represent this number and how to form it. I will share a story with the children that is normally related to the topic that week and we will discuss and recall different parts of this story. 

I will support the children through their continuous provision throughout the day, encouraging and observing their activities. After the children go home, it is time for either ASA's or writing up observations from the day, replying to emails and tidying and preparing resources for the next day.

Q: What do you enjoy most about teaching?

There are so many different things I love about teaching. Watching the children grow into their own little characters as they become settled and feel more confident, knowing that you are making a difference to the children's education and giving them that head start into life and teaching them such important life skills such as being kind, how to deal with situations and learning how to be independent. One of the things I love about working with children is how they can always make me laugh and smile through our conversations and their personalities!

Q: Tell us about your life outside of school?

A big part of living in China is the opportunity of learning about the culture and exploring the different cities. Skiing and football are two things I really enjoyed when I was younger and since coming to Beijing I have been able to start these hobbies again. I enjoy travelling and exploring new countries whenever I get the chance to. My life outside of work consists of socialising, exploring, discovering new places and meeting new people and I am so lucky to have family that live nearby in Beijing that I can visit.