Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 January, 2021

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities - outdoor-and-adventurous-activities
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities In this two weeks, the Year 1 and Year 2 children are learning Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA).

In this two weeks, the Year 1 and Year 2 children are learning Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA). The Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA) Unit aims to develop students’ problem-solving skills in a variety of situations in adventurous activities. It also sets out to enable students to plan and work successfully as individuals, in pairs and in groups.

In OAA class, the Year 1 and Year 2 children have learned how to use the map, read common basic symbols and keys on the map to orientate themselves and navigate around a simple course, undertaking simple orienteering exercises. The children have engaged and enjoyed learning map reading skills and taking part in team exploring activities. 

Go for it, BSB little adventurers.

By William Zhang

PE Teacher