Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 January, 2021

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Teamwork makes the dream work! - teamwork-makes-the-dream-work
Teamwork makes the dream work! “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

- Henry Ford

In life we get many opportunities to work with other people. Be it something as trivial as standing in a line to ensure fairness for everyone waiting or working together with your team to meet a deadline, it all comes down to teamwork. Nothing makes the dream work like teamwork! Students in EAL have been living the “collaboration” dream this week as they worked together to create pieces of writing, rapping out verses of a poem, and various other activities.

In Year 1, students worked together to create their very own zoos. They worked together to describe where the animals should go in their zoos and some even gave reasons as to why those animals should be placed where they were to convince their fellow classmates about their choices.

Year 2 students worked together to create a class song about our topic, My Bedroom, and sang it together using the backing track from the original song. They worked together in small groups to create different verses of the song before coming back together to sing it, giving them the chance to share their verses with the rest of the class.

Students in Year 4 are wrapping up their Mythical Beasts topic with several pieces of writing aimed at recapping the language and grammar learned during the topic. As with everything, collaboration and the sharing of ideas plays a very important role in their learning. Students shared and magpied ideas from one another to further improve their own writing styles.

Teamwork makes the dream work! After all, you need many logs to make a bonfire, not just one. Alone we smolder, together we blaze.

By Jay Lee

Head of EAL