Over the last couple of weeks in Year 2, the children have been learning about the Aztecs and focusing on one story from another culture: The Little Blue Frog, the Aztec Legend of Chocolate.
Join Our Open Morning (for students ages 0-4)
Over the last couple of weeks in Year 2, the children have been learning about the Aztecs and focusing on one story from another culture: The Little Blue Frog, the Aztec Legend of Chocolate.
Over the last couple of weeks in Year 2, the children have been learning about the Aztecs and focusing on one story from another culture: The Little Blue Frog, the Aztec Legend of Chocolate.
To begin with, the story was read to the children, next we worked as a whole class to create a class story map, using pictures to represent the words in the story. Once the story map was complete, we thought of actions of represent the words and the pictures so that we could tell the story collaboratively.
Our next step was innovation! The children designed their own God or Goddess to replace one of the characters in the story, they also practiced their descriptive writing skills by planning descriptive words and phrases that they could include in the story. Continuing on, the children then innovated the class story map by drawing their own and including their innovations.
To finish off our English lessons this week, we will use all of our planning and preparation to rewrite the Aztec Myths. It will be exciting to see and read the completed stories!
By Gemma Tonge
Year 2 Teacher
Read about the International Dress Up Day at The British International School of Beijing, Sanlitun, including international day costume ideas.
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