Oh no! Children from Year 1 天安门(Tian’an Men)group had fallen asleep in the class!
Join Our Open Morning (for students ages 0-4)
Oh no! Children from Year 1 天安门(Tian’an Men)group had fallen asleep in the class!
Oh no! Children from Year 1 天安门(Tian’an Men)group had fallen asleep in the class!
This week the children in the Year 1 native speakers group have been learning a beautiful children’s poem 《明天去远行》(Going hiking tomorrow). The children lay down as if there were going hiking the following day and experienced the excitement and expectations of the upcoming journey.
Our Reception children are learning about occupations. Check out the photos with our children who were building with their toy blocks. Can you see a brave 消防员(firefighter) and a giant 消防车(fire truck) from their amazing work?
The Year 4 雍和宫(Lama Temple) group have been learning a story 《青蛙卖泥塘》(The frog sells mud pond). Whole class participated and enjoyed performing the story. The children have got a better understanding with how the frog has improved his living step by step and how the frog has changed his mind and will not to sell his pond any more. The children have applied their “Fluent Thinking” Skills to predict what other animals might have said.
By Susan Wang
Head of Chinese
Read about the International Dress Up Day at The British International School of Beijing, Sanlitun, including international day costume ideas.
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