'All About Me' in Nursery - all-about-me-in-nursery

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28 September, 2018

'All About Me' in Nursery

'All About Me' in Nursery - all-about-me-in-nursery
'All About Me' in Nursery
'All About Me' in Nursery The Nursery children have been learning about body parts, homes, pets, friends, family and our interests and dislikes. 

What a fantastic start Nursery children!

I cannot believe that we have already completed the first half term. I am so impressed with all of the Nursery children’s independence skills, they have settled in beautifully!

Our topic for the first half term has been, ‘All About Me’. We have been learning about body parts, homes, pets, friends, family and our interests and dislikes. 

The Nursery children have developed their creative skills and have been using a variety of art materials to create pictures of themselves and their favourite pets.  This provoked lots of great discussions about our differences and we have been celebrating the fact that we are all special and unique!

To end our ‘All About Me’ topic we had an exciting visit from Luna the dog. The children were extremely gentle towards Luna and her owners kindly answered lots of our questions. We hope to see her again soon!

Well done for such a great start Nursery! I look forward to another fun-filled half term after Golden Week. 

By Lindsey Wilson

Nursery Angelfish Class Teacher

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