Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 September, 2016

Exploring the story of Goldilocks and the three bears

Exploring the story of Goldilocks and the three bears - exploring-the-story-of-goldilocks-and-the-three-bears
Exploring the story of Goldilocks and the three bears

We started our brand new story in Reception this week: Goldilocks and the three bears, as part of our topic 'we are family'.

Exploring the story of Goldilocks and the three bears We started our brand new story in Reception this week: Goldilocks and the three bears, as part of our topic 'we are family'.

We started our brand new story in Reception this week: Goldilocks and the three bears, as part of our topic 'we are family'.

The Reception children were treated to a special performance of Goldilocks and the three bears by the teachers and found it absolutely hilarious when the teachers pretended to be the different characters.

Throughout the week the children have been doing lots of different activities all based around the story. In maths we have been focusing on ordering objects according to their size. The children have been helping me to place different sized bears in the correct order from biggest to smallest and smallest to biggest.

 In Communication and Language we have been doing lots of role play, acting out the story in groups using masks and props to help us. I have been really impressed with the children’s acting skills and have heard some fantastic daddy bear voices and some very cute baby bear voices. In the Dolphins class we also did some hot seating as the characters and the children thought of some fantastic questions for Goldilocks such as… “How did you feel when you saw the bears?” and “ Why did you go into the house alone?”

All of our learning outside has been about goldilocks too, with moving like bears to music on the basketball court and ordering pictures from the story on washing lines. Learning is so much fun in Reception, as we learn through play and with our friends.


By Maddison O'Beirne

Reception Dolphins Class Teacher