Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 September, 2015

EAL After the Holidays

EAL After the Holidays - eal-after-the-holidays
EAL After the Holidays

Of course we discussed the holidays at the start of term, but then we quickly got on to other things. This is a snapshot from the last two weeks.

EAL After the Holidays Of course we discussed the holidays at the start of term, but then we quickly got on to other things. This is a snapshot from the last two weeks.

Of course we discussed the holidays at the start of term, but then we quickly got on to other things. This is a snapshot from the last two weeks.

Year 1 started working in pairs asking and answering questions focussing on action words (verbs) such as: ‘What is he doing?’ ‘He is singing.’ ‘What is she doing?’ ‘She is drawing.’ ‘What are they doing?’ ‘They are counting.’ 
Year 2 retold the story of ‘The Water Hole’ using finger puppet characters where everyone gets splashed with muddy water by Elliot the Elephant, who slides down a hill into the water: ‘wheeeee!!’
Speaking of elephants, Year 3 discussed facts about the pyramids. Did you know that many of the 2 million stones that go to make up one of the great Pyramids of Giza, each weighs as much as an elephant?
Egypt and the pyramids was one of the five stopping off points that Y4 made on their planned trip around the world. It is difficult to decide where to go, how to travel and what to do when you could go anywhere!
I couldn’t resist putting in the picture of Gabriel enthusiastically writing his name in pictures: Gorilla, Apple, Banana, Rocket, Igloo, Envelope, Leaf. How can you tell that he is concentrating hard? What’s your name in pictures?
Keith Olive