There is a buzz and an excitement around BSB Sanlitun with this term’s Hacking Challenge. Children are full of enthusiasm about hacking and are discussing their hacking ideas with their friends and teachers.
Having studied it intently, Year 2 have become very familiar with the story of ‘Meerkat Mail’. Now, they are challenging themselves by writing their own version of the story and producing their own book.
It has been an absolute pleasure to meet all the children in Year 4 over the first few days. The children are so excited to be back at school and have been very impressed with the recent changes over the summer break.
On Monday 19th June, Primary students had their End of Year Ceremony where they got to review all the wonderful things that have happened throughout the year. After this, Year 6 stayed and celebrated their Graduation from Primary with their families.
Last month, BSB Sanlitun had a Maths Week where the focus was encouraging entrepreneurship amongst our pupils. Each year group came up with an original way of raising money for our chosen charity - New Hope Foundation.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation on behalf of MCF to the Parents’ Association and the parents of BSB Sanlitun for organizing, sponsoring and supporting the MCF foundation in such an immensely generous way.
Year 6 had a fantastic trip to Latitude on Thursday 15th June. It was a full on physical workout as they bounced, climbed and flipped. This was a well deserved treat after a year of such hard work. Well done Eagles class.
We were super excited today when the Cambridge Mask Company came to school to deliver the fantastic masks designed by Year 4’s very talented Hudson Mitchell Denney.
Families are offered an excellent choice of world-class International schools in Beijing and The British School of Beijing, Sanlitun is the leading British International school in the downtown area.