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At British International School of Chicago, Lincoln Park, we consider parents to be our partners. Our families and care givers are at the heart of our thriving community, making our school warm and welcoming.

If your child is currently a student or you’re thinking about joining us in the future, we’ve put together a handy collection of resources for parents, so you can be sure your children get the most out of their time at BISC-LP.
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Keep up to date with the academic year at BISC Lincoln Park with these key dates for your calendar.
School calendar


Stepping out of the classroom is a crucial part of education at BISC-LP – especially to do the extracurricular activities our students love. Our program gives students a range of exciting, experiences which enhance their core subjects.
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Project Runway
Does your child love fashion? Then this is the club for them
Project Runway
In this club, our students learn how to use and set up a sewing machine, read and follow a pattern and the basics of making their own clothes. The club is held by a member of our STEAM department and located in our art studio. 
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Animation Club
Drawing takes on new life in our animation club.
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Music Ensemble
Find new avenues of expression through music
Music Ensemble
In Music Ensemble, our most experienced musicians have the opportunity to showcase and improve their instrument proficiency and musicality by playing in a large ensemble in practice and to audiences. Our young musicians tackle well-known masterpieces from the Baroque to the 20th Century. 
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Chinese Language and Culture
Expand horizons and learn a new language
Chinese Language and Culture
Our immersive approach and supportive environment promote fast daily progression of Mandarin Chinese characters, native pronunciation, culture, vocabulary and conversations by interacting through famous traditional stories.
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Sports Clubs
Keeping your child’s body active and healthy while learning how to be part of a team or shine solo
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Sports Clubs
Our sports clubs include basketball, rugby, soccer, sailing, cheerleading, dance, and cricket. Your child can also try their hand at fencing, skiing, table tennis, Taekwondo, tumbling, yoga or tennis – or focus on fitness with Crossfit and cross country running.
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Develop strategy, logic and analysis through gameplay
Our beginners have short instructional lessons each week using games and stories to display the most fundamental chess concepts like piece movement, rules of the game, and basic strategic play. After each lesson the students play a specific position from both sides to reinforce the concepts discussed in class.
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Rock Climbing
Bolster strength, resilience and determination
Rock Climbing
Students learn the basics of rock climbing at a neighboring new state of the art climbing and bouldering gym. Working each session to get further develops their commitment to goals and increases their physical endurance at the same time.


At BISC-LP we want your child to learn happily, and their wellbeing is as important to us as it is to you. Take a look at our preparation information and let us know if you have any questions.  
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School uniform
Our school uniform is comfortable, smart and a great way to show belonging to the BISC-LP community. They include spirit wear which represents our house system. Students wear their house colors every Friday! 
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We provide a relaxed and social environment for mealtimes, promoting healthy eating habits and developing appropriate table manners. In Prenursery our meal program includes three snacks throughout the day: in the morning, afternoon, and extended day period. Students from Nursery to Year 6 students have a morning and afternoon snack. 

Parents use a meal ordering portal to select meals for their students. We offer a diverse menu of foods with international cuisine, vegetarian, vegan and a gluten-friendly choice daily. Our meal program is optional between Nursery and Year 6 and students are welcome to bring a nut-free lunch and snack from home. ,

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School Day times
School begins: 8:30 a.m.
School ends: 3:30 p.m. 
Part-time Nursery ends: 12:05 p.m.
Before Care begins: 7 a.m.
After Care ends: 6:30 p.m.
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We use a variety of market-leading education apps to seamlessly connect students, teachers, and parents, so everyone can celebrate achievements right there in the moment!

We use Brightwheel, Seesaw and our whole school app. These apps create a connection between school life and home life – allowing parents to get involved in the learning experience. To download the whole school app, email

We use the Parent Portal only to publish reports (progress reports/report cards). Families new to the school will receive an email prompting you to login in a week or two before the first report publishing date. Please see the link below

(for current parents only)

Parent portal

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I order meals for my child?
    Our dining service is provided by Quest, and you can order your child’s lunches through the portal If you are having trouble accessing your student’s account, please contact the school at  
  • Where do I order uniforms and what are the uniform requirements for my child?
    Our uniform provider is Lands End. You can order all logoed items directly from their store . You can reference the style guide per grade here. We have a gently used uniform sale on campus twice a year in August and January. 
  • How do I submit a payment?
    You can submit payment via our online payment portal which accepts both credit card and ACH payments. You can submit payment for tuition, house t-shirt orders, clubs and aftercare or any other school-related costs. 
  • How do I register my child for after school clubs or before school/after school care?
    We have a termly registration for our students in Nursery to Year 6 through our online clubs portal. A preview of all clubs will be sent out two weeks prior to the sign update. Clubs are registered on a first come, first served basis unless they are invite-only or audition-based. 

    Our before and after school care can be used as little or as much as needed. You don’t need to pre-register your child to use either service. If your child is in Nursery to Year 6, you will be billed at the end of the month based on your use. Pre-Nursery morning and aftercare are included in tuition. 
  • When are school breaks and what is the calendar for the school year?
    You can access the school calendar here. Camps information for school breaks can be found here.
  • How do I contact my child’s teacher?
    You can locate staff contact information via the whole school app. If you cannot locate the contact information needed, please call the front desk at (773) 506-2097 or email If you are in Pre-Nursery – Reception, you can also message your teacher via the Brightwheel app and in Year 1-6 you can message via Seesaw. 
  • Where can I find documents like the student/family directory, class lists, timetables and other school related forms?
    You can find all of these documents in our whole school app. Please email to access download and password information for accessing the school app if not installed on your mobile device.
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Your child can join The British International School of Chicago, Lincoln Park anytime during the academic year, subject to available spaces We look forward to welcoming you!

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