Age 3 to 5


Our international preschool instills a love of learning in our young learners to help them develop the foundational skills needed to grow into successful students. 
BISC Lincoln Park International Preschool
International Kindergarten student
The best possible start to their education 


Our children in Nursery (Pre-school) and Reception (Junior Kindergarten) follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This introduces little ones, aged 3 – 5 years old, to a wide range of skills and knowledge. 

Recognized as one of the world’s leading curricula for young children, the English Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum aligns with the National Curriculum for England, setting standards for the learning and development of children up to 5 years old. 

Our Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum  provides a broad and balanced learning experience, preparing little ones for their future education by fostering the skills, interests and confidence they need to develop into successful learners. 
Child in British Early Years Curriculum class


Early Years children play, explore and create through activities shaped by the EYFS’s seven Areas of Learning and Development. The areas are designed to promote their interests while adapting to individual students’ needs, stimulating their passion for learning and helping them thrive.


  1. Personal, social, and emotional development: Children learn how to understand their feelings and manage their own behavior through listening to stories, playing and forming bonds with their peers. 

  2. Communication and language: Children experience a rich language environment, developing the confidence and skills to express themselves while speaking and listening in a range of situations. 

  3. Physical development: We help develop students’ gross motor skills, which in turn enables them to develop their fine motor skills. On our Early Years corridor, children explore our exciting outdoor area and physical development space to refine these skills. 
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The three prime areas are applied and strengthened through the four specific areas: 

  1. Literacy: Children discover the foundations of early reading and writing through repetitive stories, role play, sequencing and motor skill activities. Our phonics based literacy approach promotes the development of becoming an independent reader and writer. 

  2. Math: Our little ones develop their understanding of numbers through a range of real-life contexts. 

  3. Understanding the world: Children investigate the natural environment, learn about the past and present, and compare communities around the world. 

  4. Expressive arts and design: Our youngest students learn to express their feelings and ideas through a variety of immersive media, including song, dance, art, construction and drama. 
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With inspiring curricula, dynamic learning spaces and world-class teachers, no two days are the same at the British International School of Chicago, Lincoln Park.
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Early Years students take attendance at 8:30 a.m. Afterwards, they might take part in child-initiated time, focusing on communication and language, personal, social and emotional development and physical development. They’ll do this in a play-based environment, which encourages the improvement of foundational academic skills. Children usually then move on to Circle Time and a snack.
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Early Years Curriculum | BISC Lincoln Park - Visual Time Line Tabs
Morning Play
Your child’s day might then develop with P.E. or dance lessons, taught by highly trained specialist teachers in purpose-built classrooms. Through the morning, they might also explore music lessons and introductions to STEAM subjects.
Morning Play
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Healthy Eating
Lunch takes place at 11:30 a.m. Our children have access to age-appropriate, nutritious meals which help them to refuel before an afternoon which could include phonics, Spanish lessons or a trip to the library.  
Healthy Eating
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Afternoon Learning
In the afternoon, children move on to activities like physical development. We aim for our children to spend time outside running and playing daily. We have outside play spaces, as well as large indoor playgrounds, to support the need to be physically active and to ensure proper gross motor skills are developed. Students get the opportunity to play outside more than once a day—usually accompanied by a healthy snack to keep up their energy levels and focus. 
Afternoon Learning
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More Fun!
Our school hours support a working parent schedule and we run a large variety of enrichment classes after school to both extend the children’s interests and support childcare needs. There are options such as soccer, Mandarin, cooking, dance and music lessons. Children can stay at school right up to 6:30 pm. if needed.  
More Fun!
Two BISC Lincoln Park Early Years students


We regularly check in to see how our Early Years students are progressing, what they can do, and what they know. Through accurate assessments by teachers who understand developmental psychology, we identify children’s individual learning needs. Then at the end of their Reception year, children are assessed against the EYFS’s Early Learning Goals.


As a top international preschool and kindergarten in Lincoln Park, BISC-LP offers a truly global experience with outstanding teachers and exceptional educational opportunities. We give your child the unbeatable education and experiences they need to create a successful future.

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