May 23, 2017

Foundation Stages

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Foundation Stages Curriculum
The curriculum for ages 2-5 (Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception) is based on the principles of learning through play. It not only acts as a transition between home and school, but develops the learning habits necessary for your child to become a successful lifelong learner.

About the Curriculum

We recognize that children grow and develop significantly in their earliest years. To facilitate this development, we must provide an engaging, stimulating environment that is rich with opportunities for children to practice and consolidate their skills.

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) gives children age 2-5 the best possible start in life. It enables them to develop to their fullest potential their personalities, talents, and abilities.

The curriculum is comprised of three Prime Areas of Learning, which structure the fundamental educational attributes children must acquire to become critical thinkers and problem solvers. This is combined with four Specific Areas of Learning that integrate essential skills and knowledge. The curriculum also provides opportunities for teachers to scaffold children in evolving through the Characteristics of Effective Learning, which are fundamental elements of an active and motivated learner.

Prime Areas of Learning

The Prime Areas of Learning are prerequisites to expedite children's learning in the Specific Areas. Children study:

  • Communication and Language: Expressive and receptive language skills
  • Physical Development: Fine motor and gross motor dexterity, health and self-care, and pencil control and writing
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Self-confidence, self-awareness, and socialization skills

Specific Areas of Learning

The Specific Areas of Learning include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in today and tomorrow’s society. Children study:

  • Math: Numbers, calculations and shape, space, and measure
  • Literacy: Reading, writing, phonics, and story-telling
  • Understanding the World: Investigation of our environment, technology, changes
  • Expressive Art and Design: Creativity with a variety of media and materials

Every day, children experience every aspect of the curriculum. Our teachers are extremely proficient in providing challenging opportunities for children to learn and grow together. They prepare our youngest children to love learning and to become life- long learners.