Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
October 23, 2017

Extracurricular Excellence

Extracurricular Excellence - extracurricular-excellence
Extracurricular Excellence
Extracurricular Excellence

Welcome to our first blog post!

We are so excited to share with you the stories of successes surrounding the after-school activities at our school. This blog, Extra-curricular Excellence, is being created to highlight all of the amazing work our students and staff do outside of the school day, on campus and off. This includes achievements in the BISC Lincoln Park clubs program as well as our Studio 814 school for the performing arts.

You may have heard the name “Studio 814” as a school parent while searching for clubs for your student to participate in after school, but did you know that beyond offering several performing arts clubs exclusive to BISC-LP students, it is also a performing arts school for the greater Chicagoland community? We are a school within a school, housing private instruction, concerts, classes, and workshops for anyone who wants to participate in high quality learning and teaching experiences.

Studio 814’s first aim is to inspire our students to become lifelong learners in the performing arts. Our performing arts offerings currently include music, dance, drama, and improv comedy. For students young and old, studies show that the performing arts are linked to growth in:

  • Confidence
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving
  • Perseverance
  • Focus
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal skills

Whether you want to become the next Joshua Bell or Bob Fosse, or if you just want to practice your skills in one of these areas for enjoyment, becoming a lifelong learner in the arts can greatly influence how you experience the world around you. Request a lesson today to find out if we have a program that inspires you. 


Follow our journey!


“Music may not make you a genius, or rich, or even a better person. But it helps train you to think differently, to process different points of view — and most important, to take pleasure in listening."

- Joanne Lipman

Source: "Is Music the Key to Success?" The New York Times, October 12, 2013.