Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
May 04, 2017

The Knowledge Harvest

The Knowledge Harvest - the-knowledge-harvest
The Knowledge Harvest
The Knowledge Harvest

The nature of our topic-led curriculum at BISC Lincoln Park allows teachers to be extremely creative and to make meaningful links across all subject areas and tailor lessons to our own children’s interests.  We begin each topic with a Knowledge Harvest: finding out what the children already know and most importantly what they want to know and learn about in class, then working closely in teams to plan appropriate lessons to excite and engage our children.  This has supported our core subjects in becoming more purposeful in that there is an actual meaning for the skills and knowledge that the students are learning. Tthis is built on throughout the course of the topic and finishes with an outlet to showcase this.  This results in children that are curious, motivated, and independent learners who understand their learning journey from start to finish.  

Submitted by Ms. Sargeant, Year 1 Leader.