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News image IMG_1541 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
I need the best teacher in the whole world
The children are aware that changes will happen in the near future and have been discussing leaving EY2 and moving onto Year 1.
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News image Alec Toronto Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Admissions | Featured | Learning | Post-16 Curriculum | Student Work and Success
Our Student Awarded One of the World's Most Prestigious Scholarships
Alec, Year 13, has been awarded one of the world’s most prestigious scholarships, the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto.
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News image IMG_0100 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
If there were no books, I would be super sad!
Today the children were invited to come to school dressed as a character from one of their favorite books.
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News image Picture3 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Maths in Early Years
An interesting overview by Ms Doyle on Maths in Early Years.
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News image Steve Murphy Blog | newsletter | Newsletter Articles
New Staff for August 2017
It has been a very busy and productive first round of faculty recruitment for next year.
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News image IMG_0131 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
“When is it going to be International Day again!”
I have encountered many International Days over my many years of teaching. In every school I have worked in this event has been a hugely special occasion, celebrating the diversity of the school community.
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News image IMG_8728 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
The children in EY1 have been thinking about listening - discriminating a foreground sound against background noise.
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News image IMG_8526 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
The Language of Paint
The children had ideas about creating a space for painting in our Atelier. This week I have been working with the children to introduce such a space.
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News image Kings college pic Blog | TeachingPractice | Featured | Learning | Staff Stories | Teaching Practice
Our Staff Experience King's College London as International Educators
Candidates for the Executive Master in International Education at King’s College London met for the first time in December 2016 to share their experiences and learn about the unique challenges in international education.
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News image screen696x696 Blog | newsletter | Newsletter Articles
Flik Survey Update
Thank you for participating in our short dining survey. We value your comments and opinions to help us review the food and services provided by Flik during our first semester.
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News image IMG_0029 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Inventiveness, Creativity, Discovery
In a world in which we are preparing our youngest generation for professions still unknown, it is imperative to fuel children’s curiosity and appetite for learning.
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News image IMG_8259 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
A Desire to Mix Lovely Colours
We decided to ask the children about their ideas on developing our Atelier.
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News image Picture9 Blog
The Cardboard Tube
On the first day back after the holidays we took delivery of a carpet which came wrapped around a large and fairly sturdy cardboard tube.
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News image IMG_0085 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Our Festive Sing Along
Singing seems to be a natural language for children, providing a playful and emotionally satisfying context for building relationships.
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News image ey magnifying glass Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Baby Plants are Growing
Since the start of the year the children have shown a desire to help care for the classroom plants...
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