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News image Screen Shot 20180612 at 90457 AM Blog | earlyyears | Early Years | Featured | Learning | Student Work and Success
Hey Pesto!
Over the year the children having been trying to grow plants in our playground with the encouraging support of Mrs Mason.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Advice and Guidance | Early Years | Featured | Student Work and Success
“I like this one the best!” (Juliette)
This week the children and families of EY1 and EY2 celebrated with a showcase of their physical skills and the multi-faceted role that movement plays in their development.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Advice and Guidance | Early Years | Featured
The Relationship of Numbers
Mathematics is a human activity, a social phenomenon, a set of methods used to help illuminate the world, and it is part of our culture.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Advice and Guidance | Early Years | Featured
“The mud kitchen…we love it!”
There is little more important in our physical world than earth and water and they are truly intriguing things, especially when they interact.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Book Making
“Give me my book! I want to make my book!”
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
The Language of Dance
We often see the children exploring the language of dance to inspire thinking, learning and discovery.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
“Dying plants are sad nature”
In our team meeting this week the teachers reflected on and discussed the possibilities afforded by our outdoor space. There seems to be a strong pull towards working outside from the adults and the children.
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News image 20171208 144117 Blog | earlyyears | Advice and Guidance | Early Years
Festive Sing Along
“We are going to do some singing. All the boys and all the girls are going to sing Jingle Bells, Up on the House Top, We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Ms. Dickson is going to play the piano. All the teachers and mums and dads are going to sing and the big sisters and big brothers are going to sing with us.”
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News image IMG_01791 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Footprints in the Snow
I have had the pleasure of watching as the children have recently enjoyed engaging in several sensory explorations, such as blowing bubbles, exploring lights and accessing a variety of different textured materials.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
A Growing Fascination
Children are often curious about how and why things grow and seem to enjoy returning to plants and flowers to observe how they change over time.
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
The pleasure of food
“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.”
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News image News Default Image Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
The Language of Measurement
The beautiful thing about measurement is that it is part of children’s experience of life and relationships from the moment they are born.
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News image IMG_0626 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
Found Materials and Loose Parts
I love watching the children create and explore using materials which would often be discarded as rubbish.
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News image 20170919 105248 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
I am so delighted that our two’s programme has opened.
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News image IMG_0152 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
“Wow! Look it’s our art gallery! Isn’t it Beautiful!”
I was so proud of the EY1 children and their teachers. This week the Atelier was transformed into the most amazing gallery exhibiting the EY1 children’s representations of what is beautiful.
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News image IMG_1541 Blog | earlyyears | Early Years
I need the best teacher in the whole world
The children are aware that changes will happen in the near future and have been discussing leaving EY2 and moving onto Year 1.
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