Primary Weekly Update 06/05/2022 - primary-weekly-update-06-05-2022
06 May, 2022

Primary Weekly Update 06/05/2022

Primary Weekly Update 06/05/2022 - primary-weekly-update-06-05-2022
Primary Weekly Update 06/05/2022 A short but busy week with classes active and engaged across the school! As our Year 11 and 13 students embark on their IGCSE and IB exams, the learning continues across primary in the journey of education for all our students.

A short but busy week with classes active and engaged across the school! As our Year 11 and 13 students embark on their IGCSE and IB exams, the learning continues across primary in the journey of education for all our students.

Building a strong foundation for children to ensure their academic success and their development as learners and global citizens is our responsibility but something we do in partnership with parents.  As the pandemic restrictions recede, we continue to seek ways to ensure our community can come together to share in the learning of students.   We encourage you, the parents, to look at the Dates for the Diary section which is being added to all the time, to ensure you know what is happening across the school and what events are open to parents.  One development that we are delighted to see happening is the reopening of Fundinotots! Scroll down for more information about how to enrol your little one and be part of our BIS community!

This week we hosted a very successful webinar for parents all about the amazing Tig Tag resource for students that is used here at school but is also accessible to students and parents at home to support learning.  If you were unable to attend but would like to know more, please access the presentation here. 

Another area that was launched in assembly last week was the Language in Focus Poster competition.  This is a lovely way for children to celebrate where they are from by entering this exciting Art competition.  See the poster below for more information.

‘Language in Focus’ Tourism Poster Competition 2022

Language in Focus Art Competition 2022


EYFS and Primary Uniform Orders 2022/2023

Thank you to those who have already completed the Uniform Order for the academic year 2022/2023.  We would like to remind you that the deadline for ordering uniform is Friday 13th May, so if you have not already done so, please check the email you received last week with details your child’s school code and links to the order forms.

Primary Potluck Lunch! - Save the Date!

Having the parent community back on site is one of the highlights of this term.  The PTG asks that you save the date for their Primary Potluck Lunch! Please see the details below and we look forward to seeing you there.

PTG Potluck Lunch 202201

Parent Potluck: 19th May at EY campus from 11am-2pm

Book donations: 4th May to 19th May

Book Sale: 24th May EY, 25th May JC

We are delighted to invite you to the parents' Potluck Lunch to be held at the small Hall on the 3rd floor at the EY Campus on 19th May,2022 from 11.00-2:00pm.

This has traditionally been a wonderful, fun-filled event where parents come together to sample different kinds of food and chat. We hope many of you will be able to join us for this event!

For both new and returning parents, the lunch will be organised as follows:

Format - Cold Buffet Style. Ideally finger foods, although curries and dips are welcome!

Amount of food to carry – A small plate filled with food is ample!

Examples of foods you could bring – Vietnamese Spring Rolls, Korean Gimbab, Japanese Onigiri, Brazilian Pão de queijo, Indian Samosas, German Bratwurst, Canapes, Garlic Bread with Sundried Tomatoes & Cheese and all sorts of sandwiches. Both sweet and savory foods are most welcome – so please bring rice cakes, traditional cookies, cakes and laddoos if you like. NO NUTS!!

Must the food be home made? This is not necessary. The idea is to get together for a good time. Please feel free to buy the food if this is easier.

Drinks – Juices and water will be available at the lunch venue

Sign up for lunch – Please use the SUG to signup here for the event. This will help us to plan for the event well.

This would be a golden opportunity for you to meet the other parents which was not possible before.Come and enjoy good food, music, drinks and company of other parents.

Primary PTG Book Donations

PTG Book Swap 202201

Do you have books you no longer need? Are you ready to add some new (preloved!) books to your collection?? WE HOPE SO!!! The PTG are so happy to be running a book sale event that we hope will enable us to raise some much-needed funds for a very important community partner, Thuy’s Dream Foundation.

There are two ways you can help!  

Firstly, if you have any unwanted books you would like to donate for the event, you can drop them at the guards house/Gate A at either EY campus, or Junior campus, every day from Wednesday 4th May.

Secondly, we invite you to visit our book sale during pick up time, on either Tues 24th May at EYIC, or Wednesday 25th May at Junior campus, choose the books you want, and make a donation of your choice.  All proceeds raised will go directly to Thuy's Dream foundation.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us on

Gayatri Shankar

Primary PTG Chairperson

13/05/22                                 EY&I Teatime Recital 3pm in the EY&I Library

19/& 20/05/22                        STEAM Festival ( Y6/7/8)

19/05/22                                 Primary Parents Potluck Lunch

23&24/05/22                          Primary PTG Book Donation.

24/05/22                                 Year 5 Speech Competition Final

24 - 26/05/22                          F2 Teddy Bears Picnics

25- 27/05/22                           F3 Little Red Riding Hood Picnics

25/05/22                                 Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Morning for Parents

31/05/22                                 Year 2 to Year 3 Transition Meeting for Parents

Queens Diamond Jubilee_A3 Poster01

keep your campus healthy

Symptomatic (Any Cold/Flu/Covid Symptoms) - stay off school until symptom free. 

Take a precautionary Rapid Antigen Test at home prior to return and keep the school informed. 

Any concern you have at home with the health of your child, and include the Health and Safety Leads of each campus (EYIC Ms Sarah Curran  and JC Mr Chris McKelvie

It is vital, also, that you inform the office of any positive case within your family – these are called ‘household close contacts’.

If your child needs the School Nurse to administer any prescribed medication during the school day please do not put medication in the school bag but contact the School Nurse and sign the appropriate form.

Ms Sarah Curran and Mr Chris McKelvie, Deputy Headteachers

Fundinotots Update


Do you have a baby or toddler at home?  If so you may be interested in joining Fundinotots.

Fundinotots is a friendly place to meet other parents with young children. It provides an informal play based environment that enables children to have opportunities to interact with their peers and flourish within our creative school setting. Sand and water play, painting, large play apparatus, story time and music sessions are just a selection of the activities on offer.      

Fundinotot sessions are held each morning in our purpose designed Fundinotots unit and provide a great opportunity for parents to come together and support each other during these formative early years.

We are very hopeful that we will be able to restart Fundinotot sessions later this term (exact date will be confirmed at a later date). So, if you are interested in joining Fundinotots either this term or for the next academic year that start in August 2022 please contact Sarah Bonner ( 

And Finally…

Are you a qualified teacher?

Supply teacher

If you are, and are interested in doing some supply/cover teaching at BIS, please contact either Chris McKelvie ( or Sarah Curran (  They will arrange to meet and talk you through what is required in order to join those who we call upon to cover classes when the teacher is unable to be there. 

Kindest regards,

Ian Battersby & Dee Grimshaw, Headteachers

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