U11 FOBISIA Games Trials 2020 - u11-fobisia-games-trials-2020
28 November, 2019

U11 FOBISIA Games Trials 2020

U11 FOBISIA Games Trials 2020 - u11-fobisia-games-trials-2020
U11 FOBISIA Games Trials 2020 From 13th – 17th January 2020, the Primary PE Department will be holding trials for the FOBISIA Games Team.

13th – 17th January 2020, the Primary PE Department will be holding TRIALS for the FOBISIA Games Team. The selected team will comprise of 40 children: 10 boys/10 girls from Year 5, and 10 boys/10 girls from Year 6. At the Games, ALL children MUST compete in the four sports of Swimming, Athletics, Teeball, Football.

The FOBISIA Games is held at a purpose built sports facility, in Phuket, Thailand, who’s aim is to create an environment that offers an opportunity for the competitors to realise their potential, foster personal growth, and engage with other athletes forming lasting friendships in the context of ‘The Friendly Games’.

Our aim is to prepare our British Interntational School children for a positive, inspiring and memorable sporting experience.

Competing international schools across Asia are placed into performance related groups. This is done to provide the children with an appropriate level of competition.

When: 30th May – 3rd June 2020

Where: Thanyapura, Phuket, Thailand

Please note that this is an additional cost to the residential trips this academic year.


Under 10 – born on 1st August 2009 or later.

Under 11 – born on 1st July 2008 or later.

TRIALS  - January

Mon 13       -              YR 5&6 BOYS                                TEEBALL

Tue 14         -              YR 5&6 BOYS / GIRLS               SWIMMING

Wed 15       -              YR 5&6 BOYS                                FOOTBALL

Thu 16         -              YR 5&6 GIRLS                              TEEBALL

Fri 17           -              YR 5&6 GIRLS                               FOOTBALL


Pupils are expected to attend all applicable trial days throughout the selection process. If a pupil is absent, it will be at the PE department’s discretion as to whether the child will be invited to continue with an alternative trial date. This decision will be based upon the reason of absence, and previous performances at the trials. They will not be guaranteed an additional trial day.


Due to the format of the FOBISIA Games, we are looking at the ability of the children across each of the four sports, not just in one individual sport. Although times and measurements will be a major contributing factor for selection, we will also consider how pupils participate in PE lessons, clubs and previous performances in these sports. A positive attitude and good sportsmanship must be demonstrated at all times and is a fundamental quality for our FOBISIA athletes. Overall, our professional judgement will be used to select the pupils who demonstrate the best fit for the team, contributing to the best overall team performance.



We will look at pupils in a variety of drills which will cover ball skills, passing and receiving, shooting, 1v1 attack/defend, and influence in games play. Decisions will be based upon overall performance and how they will best be utilised into the football team formation.


Pupils will be observed performing both fielding and batting skills, and also how they tactically read the game. Decisions will be based upon the overall performance, and their effectiveness and impact within the game.


Pupils will have times recorded across three of the main strokes over 25m: Front Crawl – Breaststroke – Backstroke.

Children will be given the option to swim Butterfly. 

The top 20 pupils will receive a ranking. E.g. the top swimmer will receive 20 points, the 20th best swimmer will receive 1 point. Pupils will receive a ranking for each individual stroke and then an overall ranking based on the aggregate of these.


Times, distances and heights have been recorded during this term’s PE athletics unit and at Sports Days. We will use this information, coupled with our observations of pupils in their PE lessons in Tem 1, to gain an overall picture of their current capabilities and potential to improve. We will also employ a ranking system if necessary.


An aggregate will be given for each pupil based on the scores/times they have received in swimming and athletics (if necessary). This will then be compared to their performance in both football and Teeball to provide an overall ranking. This ranking will be a major contribution to the overall selection but please note that it is not a guarantee; we will need to consider how selection will impact on the whole team performance, how pupils participate in lessons, their attendance at clubs and the attitude that they display during trials, and around school generally.


Selection will be made based on a pupil’s overall performance combined with the professional judgements of the PE and FOBISIA staff. Although times and measurements will be a major contributing factor, we are looking to select pupils that will allow for a strong team performance in all four events, and individuals who are deemed best fit for the team. From this, 10 pupils will be selected for each gender in each Year Group.


Parents will be notified if their child has been successful or unsuccessful in making the Primary FOBISIA team on Wednesday 22nd January (after school) via CHQ. 

If selected, any other clubs or commitments that clash with FOBISIA training times will have to be cancelled to allow your child to train with the team at all times through the week.

If you have any further questions, please contact me via email at simon.grimshaw@bisvietnam.com

Mr Simon Grimshaw, Physical Education Leader