Learning about rocks via minecraft and cake | BIS HCMC - learning-about-rocks-via-minecraft-and-cake
14 November, 2019

Learning about rocks via minecraft and cake

Learning about rocks via minecraft and cake | BIS HCMC - learning-about-rocks-via-minecraft-and-cake
Learning about rocks via minecraft and cake In recent weeks Year 3 have finished a unit of science work that focused on rocks, their properties and how they are formed.

In recent weeks Year 3 have finished a unit of science work that focused on rocks, their properties and how they are formed.

Last week Year 3 were lucky enough to have a visit from a working geologist. Mr Nick who came to talk to the children all about rocks and how he has spent his career travelling the world using his scientific knowledge of rocks to help companies find the specific rock types they need to produce many of the products we all use every day.

Mr Nick was impressed with the level of knowledge of all the children and was very helpful when explaining how rocks worked by using Minecraft and cake images. The children were very surprised to learn how many different ways geologists are working to help make the world better alongside the need for materials underground to be mined safely. This week all of Year 3 will be trying to collect and label photos of geology in action similar to that presented to them by Mr Nick.

The power of guest speakers and talks like this is how our primary children link the learning done in class to the wider community and how one day students will be able to contribute to it. Across the Junior Campus, all year groups frequently finish and start different units of learning. If you have an area of expertise that is related in any way to one of the topics and you are happy to present to a year group, please contact the relevant year leader.

Mr Mike Martin, Year 3 Leader