Wow, what an inspiring week of home learning in Phase 2! - wow-what-an-inspiring-week-of-home-learning-in-phase-2
Nord Anglia
21 February, 2020

Wow, what an inspiring week of home learning in Phase 2!

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Wow, what an inspiring week of home learning in Phase 2! This week, teachers have continued to record lessons digitally, sending a variety of videos and work home to children to recreate the learning that would have been taking place in the classroom.

This week, teachers have continued to record lessons digitally, sending a variety of videos and work home to children to recreate the learning that would have been taking place in the classroom.

The teachers incredibly impressed with the phenomenal efforts of the children across all areas of the curriculum this week. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading stories written by the children, appreciating their works of art and watching their energetic dance performances.

In addition to the home learning videos sent home this week, the teachers have been delighted to be able to host Google Meet conferences. These conferences have provided teachers, parents and children with the opportunity to have face-to-face meetings each day, lifting the spirits of all involved. Teachers have used the conferences as time to answer questions about the home learning and to provide further demonstrations and explanations. They have also been a fantastic way to listen to stories together as a class.

The teachers in Phase 2 would like to say an enormous thank you to all the help and support the children have received from home.

Remember, “We’re all in this together!”

Molly Hill

Primary Teacher - Y2 / Phase 2 Leader