Primary Home-learning program receives fantastic response! - primary-home-learning-program-receives-fantastic-response
Nord Anglia
12 February, 2020

Primary Home-learning program receives fantastic response!

20200211  014  DSC00379  Online Learning  Staff Lessons
Primary Home-learning program receives fantastic response! At BIS our teachers are being challenged this week and are re-designing learning to support our students at home. It is new for all of us, but as life-long learners, our teachers are sharing strategies and best practise to ensure our students are still receiving the best possible provision under the circumstances. 20200211  005  DSC00364  Online Learning  Staff Lessons

At BIS our teachers are being challenged this week and are re-designing learning to support our students at home. It is new for all of us, but as life-long learners, our teachers are sharing strategies and best practise to ensure our students are still receiving the best possible provision under the circumstances. 

Our strong parents Partnership have provided an excellent learning foundation for this unexpected home-learning program. We understand and appreciate the challenges that parents are facing during this time and thank them for this invaluable contribution.  

Learning at BIS Hanoi continues for all our Primary students this week, even though they are not in the building. Home learning has had a fantastic response from parents and students are busy engaging in a variety of daily tasks set by teachers. From our youngest learners in F1, who are playing games, making patterns and talking about their play, to our Year 6 students who are collaborating on Google Classroom and even giving peer feedback, the home learning set is engaging many students.  We could not be more proud of the engagement levels; it shows integrity and perseverance and that our students are ambitious with a passion for learning, wherever they are.  

We appreciate that home learning over a sustained period of time can be challenging for parents so it might be useful to break it into chunks throughout the day. For children up to Year 2, short bursts of 20 minutes and then a break. Older students, are generally able to concentrate for longer, focussing for 45 minutes and then taking a break might work well. It is important that children have breaks and building in rewards at home, can help too. Our teachers are online feeding back to students every morning and are also available to answer questions from parents too.

In Early Years, our students learn through play and experience. Here is BIS Hanoi’s 3rd youngest learner, investigating pattern and colour and enjoying learning at home with his family. We are very proud of you and it looked like great fun!

[[\media\2020 02 10 Students learning at home 1.mp4]]