Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 July, 2024

Meet Owen Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Owen Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate - Meet Owen Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate
Meet Owen Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Owen joined the BIS Abu Dhabi family in 2017, starting his journey in Year 7. After seven memorable years at the school, he has graduated with an impressive score of 43 out of a possible 45 points in the IB Diploma Programme. This outstanding achievement is a testament to his dedication and hard work.

When asked about his feelings upon receiving his results, Owen shared, "It was amazing. It was a really great culmination of two years of hard work and a representation of the support given by my family, peers, and teachers."

Owen is now set to pursue his further education at the University of Notre Dame in the USA, where he will study Finance. When asked about his choice, he explained, "I'm really happy to be attending Notre Dame for Finance in the fall. I was lucky enough to get a number of offers from some great universities across the world, including from Ivy League colleges, but chose Notre Dame as it consistently ranks among the top 5 in the US for my programme and has an incredibly supportive alumni network - including in the UAE. Some fun facts about the University of Notre Dame are that there's an 81,000-seat stadium on campus, which is larger than Old Trafford, and it’s had two movies filmed on campus."

Owen’s passion for Finance is rooted in his interest in understanding systems. He elaborated, "I've always been interested in how and why systems function. I've been lucky enough to study economics for four years at BIS Abu Dhabi, which helped me understand how economic systems function, and reading finance is a natural extension of this."

Owen is eagerly anticipating his move to South Bend. He is particularly excited about the new experience. He said, "I think South Bend is about as different from Abu Dhabi as you can get - different food, a new culture, and very different weather. And, of course, I'm looking forward to being able to study in a new context and in a new type of liberal arts curriculum."

Reflecting on his IB Diploma journey, Owen credits it with helping him secure his university place. He remarked, "The IB Diploma Programme has definitely been a challenging course, but it's taught me the importance of independence and initiative and being an advocate for my own learning. As for gaining a place, the diploma itself carries a degree of academic clout and trust globally; however, more importantly, it gave me a basis of skills and depth of study to write about in my personal statements."

Looking to the future, Owen is interested in a career in financial services. He shared, "After college, I've been looking at pursuing roles in financial services - be it investment banking, equity research, or funds management - but obviously, I'm always learning about new opportunities."

During his time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Owen was heavily involved in extracurricular activities. He was the Captain of the Debate Team for five years, played on the Cricket team since Year 7, and worked on a number of school-level projects, including a student-written economics magazine.

One of Owen’s fondest memories from BIS Abu Dhabi was summiting Mount Kilimanjaro on the school trip last year. He shared, "It was a great accomplishment and something I probably wouldn't have pursued without the opportunity or support from Nord Anglia."

As Owen moves on to new adventures, he will miss his friends and peers who supported him throughout his time at BIS Abu Dhabi. He will also miss some of the great teachers, including Mr. and Mrs. Grange, who have taught either him or his sisters every year for the past seven years, and Ms. Butler, who taught his first and almost last class at BIS Abu Dhabi.

Congratulations, Owen! Your achievements and dedication are truly inspiring. As you embark on your journey at the University of Notre Dame, we are confident that your passion for Finance will lead to remarkable contributions. Your experiences at BIS Abu Dhabi have prepared you well for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Click here to read more about our Class of 2024's results.