Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 September, 2024

Meet Jasmine Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Jasmine Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate - Meet Jasmine Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate
Jasmine has been a valued member of the BIS Abu Dhabi community since she joined the school in August 2015 in Year 5. After nine remarkable years, she has graduated with an outstanding 41 points out of a possible 45 in the IB Diploma Programme. This exceptional achievement places Jasmine among the top-performing students at the school this year, and her dedication and hard work truly paid off.

When asked about her feelings upon receiving her results, Jasmine shared, "When I opened my IB results, I felt a real mixture of emotions: pride over the fact my hard work had paid off, joy for my high grades in challenging subjects, and a touch of surprise and reflection in areas that didn’t quite match my expectations. It was rather challenging not to let these scores and feelings override the positive ones, as I am used to focusing on the areas where I can improve and make progress. I am currently waiting on a remark for my extended essay but am thrilled to have completed the IB diploma!"

Jasmine is set to continue her academic journey at UCLA, where she will be studying Pre-Economics. Explaining her choice of university, she said, "I am elated to be continuing my education journey at UCLA; it has been a school that I have dreamed of going to from a young age due to its holistic approach to learning, exceptional opportunities, and prestige. With UCLA being the most applied-to university in the world, I am beyond excited to attend there for the next four years! Additionally, having begun my schooling journey at 5 years old in California, it will be a full circle moment to return and finish my schooling journey there. I am super excited to get involved in the sporting community, which is a big part of being a student at UCLA." She also added a fun fact, noting, "UCLA is renowned for being one of the most applied-to universities globally, and it’s incredibly exciting to be part of such a dynamic and diverse community."

When asked why she chose to study Pre-Economics, Jasmine explained, "Ever since I sat through my first Year 10 Economics class, I was drawn to the subject due to its real-world applicability and ability to explain the intricate workings of societies. I intend on pursuing a career within the economic field to gain valuable insights into societal workings and strive for positive change. Therefore, majoring in Economics was a no-brainer when it came to choosing what to study at university."

As she looks forward to her move to Los Angeles, Jasmine reflected, "When it comes to my move to LA, it will be rather daunting as it is a 16-hour flight away from my family. However, I am really looking forward to meeting new people, beginning work, taking on new responsibilities, and exploring LA!"

Jasmine also highlighted how the IB Diploma was instrumental in helping her secure her place at UCLA. "I believe the IB Diploma Programme truly helped shape me into the well-rounded and hardworking student UCLA looks for when it comes to admission. Due to the IB’s rigorous nature, my university can be confident in the knowledge that I am used to tight deadlines, know how to manage my time efficiently, can produce well-written essays and research papers, and will engage in various extracurricular activities on campus to better myself and give back to the community (which aligns with the IB CAS values). The IB has really shown me what hard work and dedication look like, and I have been able to learn what works best for me during stressful times, which I’ll be able to carry through to university. Having completed the diploma, the next steps of attending lectures, participating in clubs around campus, and finding a job at the same time don't faze me, as I know I’ll be able to manage my time effectively and get the best out of my university experience."

Looking ahead, Jasmine is focused on pursuing a career within the economic field, with an interest in consulting. She shared, "Whilst I have not decided on a specific job, a career in consulting appeals to me and aligns with my passions. Particularly strategy consulting as problem-solving, engaging in market research, strategic planning, and implementation are all skills I have developed and enjoyed through studying Economics. The ability to implement positive changes and help companies make informed decisions appeals to me. My upbringing across three diverse continents has ingrained travel as a fundamental part of my identity, fostering a global perspective and adaptability. Consequently, pursuing an international career that incorporates travel aligns with my personal and professional aspirations."

During her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Jasmine was heavily involved in a wide array of extracurricular activities. She co-founded the Nord Anglia Economics Journal, where she wrote articles related to current events such as the U.S. debt ceiling and the EV market in India. Jasmine also represented the school in the British Schools Middle East (BSME) Games for nine consecutive years, even serving as captain and being part of winning teams. Additionally, she was a student advocate, led the wellness team, and organised the school's Sustainability Day. Jasmine's sporting achievements are equally impressive, having been the captain of the school netball team, runner-up in the BSME Netball tournament, and placed runner-up in the BSME Golf tournament. She was also a member of the Model United Nations Club, mentored younger students in Maths, completed her bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh awards, and participated in the Switzerland hiking expedition, amongst many other accomplishments.

Reflecting on her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Jasmine fondly recalled, "BIS Abu Dhabi has played a big role in shaping who I am today, and I cherish so many of my experiences over the past nine years. When reflecting on fond memories at BIS Abu Dhabi, the list is endless. Although, a highlight for me has been partaking in BSME Games; there is truly nothing like the supportive atmosphere and buzz between our team which fosters camaraderie and motivation, bringing out the best in every athlete!"

As she leaves BIS Abu Dhabi, Jasmine noted what she will miss the most: "I will really miss the close relationship between students and faculty, as this level of support was really enriching and made every class engaging and exciting. I will also miss spending free periods and lunchtimes with my friends, as we have made such great memories together at BIS Abu Dhabi. Additionally, I will miss representing BIS Abu Dhabi at sports games and tournaments and the team spirit at these events, as this made up a big part of my journey at BIS Abu Dhabi."

Finally, Jasmine expressed her gratitude for her time at the school, saying, "I am so grateful to have experienced attending an international school; it has opened my eyes to so many new opportunities and made me so much more culturally aware. I know that the friendships I have made are special and I thank BIS Abu Dhabi for shaping me into a successful student with high ambitions."

Congratulations, Jasmine! Your achievements, dedication, and enthusiasm are truly inspiring, and we have no doubt that you will continue to excel in your future endeavours.