Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 August, 2024

Meet Gemma, Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Gemma Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate - Meet Gemma Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate
Gemma joined the BIS Abu Dhabi family on 28th August 2019, beginning her journey in Year 9. After five transformative years at the school, she has graduated with an exceptional score of 40 points in the IB Diploma Programme. This remarkable achievement reflects her dedication, resilience, and hard work.
When asked about her feelings upon receiving her results, Gemma shared, "Scoring 40 points in the IB exams has made me feel incredibly grateful and accomplished. The journey through the IB programme was stressful and filled with doubt, but achieving 40 points validates that all the dedication and hard work were worthwhile. I feel a deep sense of relief and happiness, knowing that I have met my own expectations, as well as fulfilled the university requirements I’ve been aiming for over the past few years. I am deeply thankful to everyone who supported me along the way – from teachers and friends to my loving family."

Gemma is now set to pursue her further education in Hong Kong, where she will study Biomedical Science at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). When asked about her choice, she explained, "I began to desire studying in Hong Kong because I wanted to put myself in a multicultural environment once again, having had the privilege of working with people from diverse nationalities. Also, I was intrigued by the wide range of opportunities available to students, such as summer internships and exchange student programmes. HKU is one of the oldest universities in Asia, established in 1911. It consistently ranks among the top universities and currently holds the 2nd position among universities in Asia."

Gemma’s passion for Biomedical Science is rooted in a pivotal internship experience. She elaborated, "One of the primary motivations behind my decision to study Biomedical Science was an internship at a rehabilitation hospital. This experience provided a special opportunity to witness the application of biomedical science in real-life situations. Seeing many patients with health and mobility issues further increased my aspiration to engage in research aimed at innovating solutions to enhance their quality of life. Additionally, conducting research and writing a systematic review on rheumatoid arthritis and genomics confirmed my interest and passion in this field."

As she prepares to move to Hong Kong, Gemma is looking forward to diving into the city’s vibrant culture and meeting people from diverse backgrounds. "I am especially excited to meet people from diverse backgrounds and explore the lively culture and city life of Hong Kong!" she remarked.

Reflecting on her IB Diploma journey, Gemma credits it with equipping her for university and beyond. "It challenged me academically and taught me valuable skills like time management and critical thinking. Engaging in diverse activities through CAS projects allowed me to explore my passions and interests more deeply. Additionally, writing an extended essay on genomics has specifically equipped me for studying genetics at university."

Looking to the future, Gemma aspires to become a researcher in the field of Biomedical Science, with a focus on advancing artificial organ technology. She explained, "I am passionate about exploring how these technologies can improve the quality of life for patients in need of organ transplants. Specialising in advancing artificial organ technology through the cultivation of stem cells in laboratory settings is where I see myself making a difference."

During her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Gemma was actively involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. She participated in the BIS Abu Dhabi orchestra starting from Year 9, and one of her highlights was leading the string section for the Bugsy Malone production band. "The three-night shows were the payoff for all our hard work as a group, and we felt so rewarded and overjoyed," she fondly recalled. Additionally, Gemma embraced the opportunities for personal growth offered by the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver awards, which provided her with demanding yet fulfilling experiences that she reflects upon with pride.

As Gemma moves on to new adventures, she will miss the sense of community at BIS Abu Dhabi, as well as the friendships she has formed with both students and teachers. "The huge support I received from friends and teachers was invaluable; without them, I wouldn’t have been able to complete this challenging journey," she said.

Congratulations, Gemma! Your accomplishments and dedication are truly inspiring. As you embark on your journey at The University of Hong Kong, we are confident that your passion for Biomedical Science will lead to remarkable contributions. Your experiences at BIS Abu Dhabi have prepared you well for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Click here to read more about our Class of 2024's results.