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Nord Anglia
13 August, 2024

Meet Joana, Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Joana Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate - Meet Joana Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate
Joana joined the BIS Abu Dhabi community on 29th August 2022 in Year 12. After just two years at the school, she has graduated with an exceptional score of 42 points in the IB Diploma Programme. This impressive achievement is a testament to her dedication, resilience, and hard work throughout her time at BIS Abu Dhabi.

When asked about her feelings upon receiving her results, Joana shared, "Opening my results was very nerve-wracking, but I was extremely happy and proud of what I was able to accomplish!"

Joana is now preparing to pursue a degree in Law, having chosen to study at King’s College London. When discussing her decision, she explained, "Ultimately, I chose to pursue Law at King’s College London because it is a very well-regarded university that recently ranked as the 8th best university in Europe. The Dickson Poon School of Law is currently ranked 4th in the UK (The Guardian 2025 rankings). The university has been a dream of mine since I visited in 2021, so I was ecstatic to be accepted! I also really like the location and environment that the university has created. King’s is a very international university in the heart of London, and there are many talented students joining from all over the world. Furthermore, the university is known for organising many opportunities for academic experiences abroad, internships, and even opportunities to explore everything the city has to offer."

She added a fun fact about her chosen university: "King’s College London is one of England's oldest universities and was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829."

Joana’s passion for Law stems from her love of social science subjects like History. She elaborated, "I was initially interested in Law because I enjoy social science subjects like History. When I did further research about the course, I really liked the modules taught, as well as the opportunities I would have with a legal degree. I also think that studying Law opens doors to make a difference in the world, because the legal profession is very flexible, current, and constantly evolving, with links to almost any other subject, including medicine and technology."

As she looks forward to her move to London, Joana is excited about the opportunities that await her. "Moving to a different country is always exciting, but moving to a metropolis like London to pursue a subject I am passionate about is an amazing experience! I am definitely looking forward to meeting new people and exploring a new city," she said.

Reflecting on her IB Diploma journey, Joana acknowledged the programme's role in helping her secure her place at university. "I think the IB diploma helped me develop skills that were useful when applying to university, such as writing a personal statement. Furthermore, I think that many universities are aware of the rigorous nature of the programme, and it is highly regarded when applying to universities anywhere in the world. Personally, because of the IB diploma’s flexible nature, I was able to study subjects that I needed for the Law course, like English and History while also studying subjects I am passionate about like Art, which I really enjoyed because it gave me a more well-rounded experience."

Looking to the future, Joana is considering a career in international law. "Although I am currently not sure what job I envision for the future, following an internship at the Helsinki Committee, I would really like to work with international legal organisations like the European Court of Human Rights, as I am interested in strategic litigation and how it can be used to achieve social and legal change in countries."

During her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Joana was actively involved in several extracurricular activities. She shared, "I was primarily involved in the Law Society and working on the BIS Abu Dhabi Law Journal. I also participated in the BISAD dance show last year (Year 12) as dance has been a passion of mine for many years. Aside from that, I was involved in helping the Art department where possible, with events such as National Day and House Day."

One of Joana’s fondest memories from BIS Abu Dhabi is the time spent working on her IB Art projects. "A fond memory of mine will always be the time spent working on IB Art in the Art Department. Most of my closest friends were made during the Art course, and I think that, despite the stress of the course and all of the hard work we put in, we always had a lot of fun," she recalled.

As Joana prepares to move on to new adventures, she will miss the strong sense of community at BIS Abu Dhabi. "Definitely the BIS Abu Dhabi community, which was really supportive throughout my two years at the school. The teachers were always very encouraging throughout the difficult IB course, and I will definitely be staying in touch with friends as well as teachers!, as they all helped make my two years at the school very memorable!"

Congratulations, Joana! Your achievements and dedication are truly inspiring. We wish you all the best as you embark on your journey at King’s College London, and we have no doubt that you will excel in your studies and beyond.

Click here to read more about our Class of 2024's results.