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Nord Anglia
12 July, 2024

Meet Katalin Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Katalin Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate - Meet Katalin Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate
Meet Katalin Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Katalin joined the BIS Abu Dhabi family in 2021, starting her journey in Year 10. After three memorable years at the school, she has graduated with an impressive score of 39 out of a possible 45 points in the IB Diploma Programme. This outstanding achievement is a testament to her dedication and hard work.

When asked about her feelings upon receiving her results, Katalin shared, "I was very happy to see my result of 39 points. Naturally, there were a couple of subjects where the score wasn’t exactly as I had hoped; however, in other areas, I was pleasantly surprised. I was happy that the hard work over the past two years paid off and that I leave BIS Abu Dhabi and the IBDP programme with a score that I am truly proud of."

Katalin is set to pursue her further education at the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna, where she will study Culture, Politics, and Society. When asked about her choice, she explained, "When I was applying to universities, I still wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to study, I was always drawn towards the humanities, politics, and sustainability." CEU is one of the top universities in Europe for studies in humanities. There are several professors who used to be practising politicians, which makes learning at the university even more authentic. Location was also a very important part of my choice since I am from Hungary, so studying in a country that’s so close to home is a huge advantage for me."

An interesting fact Katalin shared about CEU is that it boasts a highly international environment, which fosters diverse perspectives and vibrant academic discussions.

Her passion for studying Culture, Politics, and Society stems from her interest in exploring various fields. Katalin elaborated, "The Culture, Politics, and Society course sparked my interest because it offers numerous opportunities to delve into different fields, such as environmental sciences, which I am also interested in. The course offers many interesting classes that allow me to develop ideas for a future career path."

Katalin is eagerly anticipating her move to Vienna. She is particularly excited about living in a city full of culture and vibrant life, as well as studying in an international setting where she can share different viewpoints and meet people from across the world.

Reflecting on her IB Diploma journey, Katalin credits it with helping her secure her university place. She remarked, "When it comes to being accepted to CEU, I think the IBDP helped me become multiskilled. The CAS programme helped add several things to my CV. Furthermore, the need to be efficient in essay writing and written communication in IB made it easier for me to write a high-quality essay for the university application. The fact that the IB required me to study six different subjects also helped me develop multiple skills at the same time, such as strong language skills, which I feel are very important when working in an international setting."

Looking to the future, Katalin is interested in a career that intertwines international relations, politics, and the environment. She is certain that her career will include these elements, though she is still exploring specific paths.

During her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Katalin was heavily involved in sports, particularly volleyball, which provided both social and physical benefits. She was part of the Student Advocates, contributing to the creation of the One People One Planet event, which was significant for the school’s move towards sustainability. Katalin also participated in the arts, taking part in school productions and student plays, with theatre becoming a meaningful part of her IB journey.

One of Katalin’s fondest memories from BIS Abu Dhabi was working on collaborative performances in theatre. She shared, "The Theatre class was an environment where everyone could truly express themselves and showcase new and inspiring ideas." Being a part of the girls’ volleyball team and serving as captain is also a treasured memory. As a team, they achieved many wins together and shared their love for the sport.

As Katalin moves on to new adventures, she will miss the lunchtimes and free periods spent with friends and classmates. She will also miss the teachers who made the challenging IB journey easier and supported her along the way, as well as the sports activities and other social events.

Congratulations, Katalin! Your achievements and dedication are truly inspiring. As you embark on your journey at the Central European University, we are confident that your passion for Culture, Politics, and Society will lead to remarkable contributions. Your experiences at BIS Abu Dhabi have prepared you well for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Click here to read more about our Class of 2024's results.