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Nord Anglia
12 July, 2024

Meet Angelina Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Angelina Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate - Meet Angelina Class of 2024 IB Diploma Graduate

Angelina joined the BIS Abu Dhabi family in 2018, starting her journey in Year 8. After four memorable years at the school, she has graduated with an impressive score of 39 out of a possible 45 points in the IB Diploma Programme. This outstanding achievement is a testament to her dedication and hard work.

When asked about her feelings upon receiving her results, Angelina shared, "I was overjoyed when I received my results. After spending a month and a half panicking over my grades, seeing 39 on the website truly made me feel accomplished and proud of myself. The highlight was definitely my achievement in the Extended Essay, which I struggled with the most because it was so out of my comfort zone, and my theatre grade which Mrs. O'Connor and I spent a lot of hours on to ensure that I attained a 7. It was refreshing to know that I not only met but exceeded the requirements set by my universities, with a score as high as 39."

Angelina is now set to pursue her further education at Durham University in the UK to study Law. When asked about her choice, she explained, "I chose Durham over other options such as Manchester and Leeds, not just because of its top 10 rating in the country for Law, but also because the research published by the university and the quality of teaching, best exemplified by their impressive list of professors, truly inspired me to apply and consider this university above all else. I love the idea of formal balls, university colleges, and the incredible sport spirit that Durham also provides, as it is just the type of university I always imagined attending when growing up. I also love nature and the cold, two things Durham famous for! Overall, Durham just combines the academic aesthetic, social life, and gives me the chance to shine academically in its own special way."

A fun fact Angelina shared about Durham is that parts of Marvel's Avengers: Endgame, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets were filmed on the main campus, particularly at the cathedral.

Her passion for Law is rooted in her desire to help people. Angelina explained, "Since I was a little girl, I was certain I wanted to work in a field where I could help people. Hence, when the time came to make up my mind, I considered stereotypical jobs that would fulfill that: such as becoming a doctor, a nurse, even a psychologist - yet nothing felt quite right. I found myself constantly changing my mind and constantly feeling unsatisfied with whatever option I had settled on. Nevertheless, in the back of my mind, I always remembered that I had been told I had a talent for talking. With the right guidance in Year 9, my talent in talking developed into an interest in debating, and debating led to fall in love with what I like to call 'professional arguing'. Although being a lawyer is so much more than just talking - or arguing - in a courtroom, this was what first sparked my interest in the field. After engaging with the legal field through work experience and taster courses on Human Rights Acts online, I became certain that Law was what I wanted to study. I saw, in practice, how my love for helping people and my love for 'talking' were seamlessly combined by another lawyer to help change a life for the better. The satisfaction I felt seeing justice be served convinced me to endure the hard studying and long hours of law school to one day do the same."

Angelina is eagerly anticipating her move to the UK. She is particularly excited about experiencing a snowy, white Christmas, learning about a new culture, and attending music events from her favourite artists, which are more frequent in the UK than in Abu Dhabi.

Reflecting on her IB Diploma journey, Angelina credits it with helping her secure her university place. She remarked, "I believe that as hard as the IB can get, forcing us as students to complete seemingly tedious tasks like a 4000-word research paper, several 2000-word essays in each subject, and having to stick to a strict (and sometimes unfair) deadline schedule, it provides a space for us to learn how to be proper university students before we actually step foot into one. These types of activities, whether you study Law like me or not, are exactly identical in university, and are certainly an aspect that A-Level students do not get used to - as their curriculum either lacks these activities or requires differently rigorous tasks instead. Overall, I am excited to have a head start in my Year 1 journey by being familiar with several research skills (such as using databases and referencing), and having already found a time management system that has proven to be efficient and effective."

In the future, Angelina aspires to become a lawyer in Medical Law. She hopes to explore various aspects of the field, from creating patents for pharmaceutical companies to representing individuals or hospitals in medically related legal matters. She is particularly interested in pursuing a Master’s degree in a relevant legal specialisation and preparing for her SQE to become a solicitor.

During her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Angelina was involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. She led the Law Society after the creator's departure in 2022, served as a Student Activist creating Sustainability Day, participated in the U19 Volleyball A Team, was one of the main dancers in the 2023 production of Bugsy Malone, and took part in the Young Leaders Programme. She was also active in debating and Model United Nations from Years 9-11.

One of Angelina’s fondest memories is from her final Biology exam. She shared, "One of my fondest memories is certainly going to Mrs. Osman's class after finishing my final Biology exam. Mrs. Osman had been my teacher every year since my first year, and the relief and joy I felt now that it was finally over - which Mrs. Osman intensely returned - certainly made the six years spent working hard truly worth it."

As Angelina moves on to new adventures, she will miss her friends and the supportive teachers at BIS Abu Dhabi. She particularly cherishes the moments spent having coffee with friends at The Hub and the open-door policy of certain teachers who were always there to talk to.

Congratulations, Angelina! Your achievements and dedication are truly inspiring. As you embark on your journey at Durham University, we are confident that your passion for Law and helping others will lead to remarkable contributions. Your experiences at BIS Abu Dhabi have prepared you well for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Click here to read more about our Class of 2024's results.