Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 February, 2018

Environmental Awareness Day

Environmental Awareness Day - environmental-awareness-day
Environmental Awareness Day

Our core values of Honesty, Kindness and Respect ensure we are always thinking of how our actions impact others, not only with each other on a daily basis, but also in our community and in a larger global context when considering how our actions impact on our environment and on the planet too.

Environmental Awareness Day Environmental Awareness Day

Our core values of Honesty, Kindness and Respect ensure we are always thinking of how our actions impact others, not only with each other on a daily basis, but also in our community and in a larger global context when considering how our actions impact on our environment and on the planet too.

On Monday 5th March we are having an Environmental Awareness Day. This is an exciting and important opportunity for us as a school to consider what we know about climate change, how we are being energy efficient and understand what impact our daily choices might have on the planet. Of course this isn’t something we need to raise awareness of for just one day, but something we need to be reflecting on every day if we are really going to ensure a healthy planet for all our future generations…

The Eco Warriors Student Service Leaders and CCA Teams, have been working hard to investigate what we are already doing in school, consider what opportunities there are for us to do it even better and think of ways we can encourage all students to commit to making a positive difference to our environment.

Are we all aware of three ‘R’s of effective waste management; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle? Do we know why it is important in order to conserve energy resources, minimise our contribution to landfill and ultimately reduce the impact of our Carbon Footprint?

Our Environmental Awareness Day also ties in with our collaboration and commitment to UNICEF and their 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. These goals commit all nations of the world to contribute to the efforts to achieve three extraordinary things by 2030:

1. End extreme poverty

2. Fight inequality and justice

3. Fix climate change

This year our challenge is to consider what we are doing to address the UNICEF Sustainable Development Goals of:

11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

Our aim is to raise awareness on the 5th March, so that in all future days we are considering the environmental impact of our daily choices.

Help us keep that thought at the forefront of all our minds.


So what could you do to support?

  • Have a go at this Eco-Footprint Calculator with your child to get an idea of the current size of your Carbon Footprint (although it is a UK based program, it can still be a useful tool for raising awareness on how our choices effect the environment). It takes 5 minutes, but is easy to complete on a phone, iPad or laptops etc.
  • Encourage your child to bring a re-usuable water bottle to school and keep filling it up from the water stations around school (rather than buying drinks in plastic bottles)
  • Have a talk with your son/daughter and see what they know already, ask them what they learnt about in school next Monday.
  • Bring us your old newspaper and magazines! We need them in the Secondary school Art Department and will happily re-use and recycle.