Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
18 October, 2022

Primary and Foundation Stage: International Day, FOBISIA, ELKLAN and Makaton

Primary and Foundation Stage: International Day, FOBISIA, ELKLAN and Makaton INT

The Primary School saw the return of the full International Day on the last Friday before half-term. The parade of flags and school assemblies was followed by different events and lessons about countries from all around the world being taught in the different Year Groups.

The students all made a huge effort to dress up in the costumes and colours of their home nations, and they all looked fantastic. Of course, the main attraction of the day was the International school buffet, where the students were able to sample food from all around the world, kindly presented and made by our STA parents. 

We would like to say a very big thank you to the PTG and our very own Estates staff for working so hard to put on such a successful day.

International Day Art Challenge

As part of the international day celebrations, Mr Graeme held a Primary art challenge where children were asked to show the beauty of their country through their artwork?

You can see all the winners of this event, for each year group, by following this LINK

Year 3 International Day Presentations

The Year 3s enjoyed the International Day by sharing presentations about their home countries with their peers. They made models, powerpoints and put lots of information together to teach the other students' in their class about their home country. These wonderful presentations were a real success and taught them how to present interesting and informative facts.


Year 4 Egyptian Expo

The week before the Half Term break the Year 4 students and teachers put on an Expo to show all the parents the wonderful learning that had been going in Year 4 around the topic of Ancient Egypt. They started the day with some wonderful singing altogether in the Drama Studio before taking the parents up to the classrooms to show them all the exhibits they had been working on throughout the term. There were models of pyramids, mummies and canopic jars. There was also some excellent adventure writing about an Egyptian Archaeologist. Thank you to the whole Year 4 team and the music department for putting on such a great day!

Year 1 open their Senses Spa to Parents

To finish our topic of 'Myself and my senses', Year 1 created a Senses Spa. Parents were invited along to be customers at our spa and have a range of treatments which explored the 5 senses. A few treatments included hand scrubs, massages, face masks, blindfold drawing and mindfulness music! It was lovely to have our parents join us for the first time this year and the children did so well being the Spa Hosts. Everyone had great fun. Thank you parents for coming to visit our Senses Spa, we hope you left feeling 'relaxed'!


Ms Jess (Year 1 Leader)


Priority Pass for Students

Some of our students in STARS have been issued with a Priority Pass for the Shuttle Bus service. Please be mindful, that if a student has a Priority Pass such as this, they should be allowed to come to the front of the queue, and to get on the Shuttle Bus first. Thank you for showing continued kindness and understanding.


Hangeul Day (Hangeul Proclamation Day)


Hangeul Day is on 9th October. It is a day to celebrate the creation and proclamation of Hunminjeonggeum, the original name of Hangeul. Hunminjeongeum mens ‘the right sound to teach the people’. It refers to the 28 letters created by King Sejong in the 25th year of King Sejong in 1443 with scholars from Jiphyeonjeon (Royal research institute).

King Sejong

Primary and Foundation Stage: International Day, FOBISIA, ELKLAN and Makaton - primary-and-foundation-stage-international-day-fobisia-elklan-and-makaton
Primary and Foundation Stage: International Day, FOBISIA, ELKLAN and Makaton - primary-and-foundation-stage-international-day-fobisia-elklan-and-makaton
Primary and Foundation Stage: International Day, FOBISIA, ELKLAN and Makaton - primary-and-foundation-stage-international-day-fobisia-elklan-and-makaton


Hunminjeongeum is the character that became the basis of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul and Hangeul consists of 24 basic letter, 

14 consonants (ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ) and 10 vowels (ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ)

Hangeul Day is celebrated to promote the originality and science of Hangeul and raise awareness of the love of Hangeul. Hangeul is a scientifically designed alphabet. Its consonants and vowels represent the shape of the tongue when certain sounds are pronounced. Its angular letters are based on the shapes of the tongue and lips as they form the represented sounds. 


It is one of the five major national holidays in Korea, and it is significant enough to be designated as a national holiday.


Ms Sohee (Korean Teacher)



FOBISIA Online Maths Challenge: Codebreaking

Year 6 children recently participated in the FOBISIA code breaking challenge. There was a real effort made by the children and some were even able to complete some of the challenges set for key stage 3 and above.'

  • Mr Matt


With 75% of our Member Schools participating and over 10,000 students involved. We hope the students involved enjoyed the experience of taking part in this exciting event.

  • John Gwyn Jones MBE, CEO FOBISIA


"It was fantastic to see thousands of talented mathematicians from across Asia coming together to test their code breaking skills. This gave students a chance to see some real life applications of mathematics outside the classroom!”

  • Andrew Chambers, Head of Mathematics BISP.


STA who came 9th place overall. Well done to Year 6 and all those that contributed

STA Primary reaches ELKLAN ‘Communication Friendly Setting’

Over the last few years, STA Primary has been ambitiously laying the foundations for the school to become a ‘Communication Friendly Setting’, by training staff with ELKLAN Communication, a system that supports children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.

The vision was born from staff members that were interested in finding ways to communicate effectively with students in our care. The 3 main staff members that were trained to Level 4 status and delivered the training to the rest of the staff were, Ms Pepa, Ms Meg and Mr Phil. They have all received certificates from the ELKLAN team in recognition of this achievement. 

The school has now achieved the ‘Communication Friendly Setting’ Status. Congratulations to them all for all the hard work to achieve this status for the school. More information about this scheme and how parents can get involved will be shared with the community shortly.

Makaton - Sign of the Week

Being able to communicate is one of the most important skills we need in life. Almost everything we do involves communication; everyday tasks such as learning at school, asking for food and drink, sorting out problems, making friends and having fun. These all rely on our ability to communicate with each other. Some students in St Andrews rely on Makaton signs to communicate. We want to educate the wider community of our school to ensure inclusivity for all of our Makaton users inside and outside of school. This week we start with a very simple, but very important sign. All staff, children and parents can practise at home. 

A special thank you to a dedicated parent, Ms Joey, who has been busy working with STARs Coordinator Ms Emma to kickstart our 'Sign of the Week'. Joey has shown her creativity and dedication to Makaton in making short educational videos to teach staff, students and parents a new sign each week. A massive thank you also goes to Joey's daughter Anna for sharing her passion of Makaton throughout the school. Keep your eyes peeled each week for the 'Sign of the Week' in our newsletter. 

Let's get signing!


2nd Session: Tuesday 25th October 2022

3rd Session: Tuesday 22nd November 2022


All sessions will be from 8:15 am - 10:00 am in the Exam Room at Primary School.


These workshops will help parents identify the three meta skills that will focus on building, maintaining and repairing your connection with your child. The first workshop focuses on the skill CONNECT and looks at what it takes to create a lifelong bond with your child. It will also throw light on parenting pitfalls that we get trapped into which can inhibit this bond.


Open to all STA Parents (Primary & High School)

Cost: 650 baht for all 3 sessions - Register

For more information please contact:

A Note from our Nursing Team


To provide a safe and healthy environment for our students, it is required that every child attending St Andrews International School Bangkok has a complete and up to date medical information sheet. 


This enables us to provide the best medical care for your child should the need arise. The completion of this form is mandatory and is required to enable your child to attend school.


Even if your child’s medical status has not changed, it is important that you complete the form to consent to first aid,medical treatment and to confirm your emergency contact details.


This information can easily be updated via the Health app in Moodle or via this LINK 


Primary and Foundation Stage: International Day, FOBISIA, ELKLAN and Makaton - primary-and-foundation-stage-international-day-fobisia-elklan-and-makaton

There are 3 simple steps to steps follow:


  1. Check that the auto populated information for your child is correct 

  2. Update vaccination/allergy and medical conditions 

  3. Update consent for the administration of medication 


The contents and use of this form will be treated as Confidential, and is overseen by our nursing teams. This information will only be made available to Government or private medical or paramedical staff and relevant St Andrews staff members in the event of an accident or emergency. 


Should you have any questions and wish to contact our nurses directly you can email them at:


High School:

Primary School: