Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
18 October, 2022

High School: Football Champions, International Day and Black History

High School: Football Champions, International Day and Black History hero

Congratulations to our Under 19 Boys Football team who were crowned BMAC Football Champions the week before half-term, following a 3 - 1 win away at NIST.

International Day Update

International Day is always one of the highlights of the School year, and a fantastic celebration of our global community. This year’s High School International Day is taking place on Friday 21st October.


Thank you again to the PTG, the 32 Country Reps and all those parents who are already working hard to plan the International Buffet Lunch. 


Heads of Year will email later in the week with an update, including the livestream link and timing for the International Day performances at Break.

Black History Month

The Great St Andrews Community themes that underpin International Day - “We respect diversity and celebrate both our similarities and our differences” and “We are world citizens and members of the global community” also reflect Black History Month.

Andrea (Year 12) and Sali (Year 13) have taken the lead on presenting about Black History Month in our Year Group assemblies this year. They have both worked really hard on these, and it showed during their outstanding presentations.


Andrea has also shared these reflections:


Black History Month is a time to celebrate, learn and educate about black history, and is celebrated in the month of October. It first started as a means to bring attention to African-American History in the United States but it has since spread to other places around the world. The history of Africans and African-descendants has been ignored and neglected for long enough. We believe that everyone’s story deserves to be told and celebrated and that that is what responsible global citizenship is all about!


BHM is an opportunity for us to know about more than just Martin Luther King and Mandela. It’s an opportunity to learn about people that usually aren’t in our History books but deserve to be. 

Four notable examples would be:


Lewis Latimer: A pioneer Inventor. Best known for his invention of the carbon filament that extended the lifespan of the light-bulb. 


Constance Baker Motley: An illustrious lawyer, Civil Rights Activist, and the first black woman to speak before the American Supreme Court.


Vicente Guerrero: Mexico’s second President and the Americas’ first black President. A hero for Mexican independence.

Nzinga Mbade: The Warrior Queen of Angola. In 1624, when the Portuguese tried to take over the kingdom of Ndogo (what we know today as Lunda), she fled and founded a new kingdom: Matama, a safe haven for runaway slaves. With the aid of Dutch allyship she instigated revolt against the Portuguese. 

These individuals are just four of so many other figures we do not learn about. 


Black History is World History. Our History. 

KS3 Halloween Party

On Friday 28th October, another St Andrews tradition returns with our Halloween Party. As always, this event is organised by our Year 12 students, with any remaining funds supporting one of our Service partners, The Foundation for the Better Life of Children, which provides education and opportunities to underprivileged children.


Tickets are on sale now to Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) students, and are selling fast, with more than half the available tickets already sold. Students planning on attending the Halloween Party should buy their tickets this week.


Please can parents of those students attending the Halloween Party ensure both that their son/daughter leaves school between the end of school and the beginning of the Halloween Party at 6pm, and that they are collected promptly at 9pm.


Older students will also be able to enter the Halloween spirit, as Friday 28th October is also a Halloween Non-Uniform Day, with proceeds also being donated to The Foundation for the Better Life of Children.

The Giving Tree

Our Year 12 CAS students would like to invite you to participate in our Annual Christmas Charity Appeal in association with The Giving Tree, an organisation which collects a donation of Christmas gift bags for Karen children living in the North Thailand Mountains (Tha Song Yang District). These children live among less privileged families and communities and each year these gift bags - sent from you - bring the children great joy!


Please sign up using this Google Form.

You can view all the School's live Google Calendars, and add our calendars to your personal Google Calendar, via Moodle.


Mr Roo
Head of High School