Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
18 October, 2022

Head's Lines: The Second Half of Term 1

Head's Lines: The Second Half of Term 1 Hero

I hope everyone has had a great half term holiday and is feeling refreshed as we start the second half of Term 1. These next very busy nine weeks will lead up to the Christmas holidays, before which there will be an array of school community events that will take place across the school.

International Days

Primary International Day was a fantastic way to finish the last half term at the Primary School. There were two fantastic assemblies to kick off International day with some wonderful song and dance shows from children of all ages. This was followed by some great performances prepared by parents with their children in the Blue Area stage at break time. 

Once the assemblies were over, students returned to their classes to participate in a wide range of activities geared towards learning about the many cultures and nationalities which make up our school. The Sports Hall came alive as parents representing their respective countries organised a wonderful food hall offering sensory delights from all around the world. This was definitely the highlight of the whole day, and a huge thank you must go to the Parent Teacher Group (PTG), all the country representatives and their helpers for all their hard work and food preparation leading up to the event, while still being on hand to offer children and school staff scintillating taste experiences from their home countries.

On Friday 21st October, we look forward to celebrating International Day in the High School to start this second half of Term 1 on this campus in equally memorable fashion.

New Primary School play space is coming

At the Primary School much work has been done on a new play space which will be at the side of the Key Stage 2 building. It was hoped to have this finished by now but with the constant rain and the need to move power cables, this was simply not possible. With additional work over the next three weekends, it is hoped that this new play space will give our Primary children immeasurable enjoyment throughout this academic year and beyond.

Achieving ECO Schools Green Flag Status

Our school is in the process of gaining the ECO Schools Green Flag Status, a globally recognised award for environmental education. A lot has already been achieved through the different campaigns the school has been running. Our recycling programme is one step towards this. Our new area shall have a natural environment with an abundance of grass and plants where our Primary children can have many different educational and hands-on experiences. Our Primary Sustainability Coordinators, Ms Susan and Mr Ewen, will be able to further develop projects focused on our children learning about the natural environment and how we can grow plants for food and to create a thriving ecosystem.

Compensation Day Holiday

Next Monday 24th October will be a school holiday as it is the compensation day for King Chulalongkorn Memorial Day which was celebrated on Sunday 23rd this year. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.


For parents with enquiries, please contact You can also call the Primary School directly at +66 2 381-2387-8 or the High School at +66 2 056-9555.