Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
04 October, 2022

Primary and Foundation Stage: Aztec and Roman Day Celebration, Airforce Museum and International fortnight

Primary and Foundation Stage: Aztec and Roman Day Celebration, Airforce Museum and International fortnight

Year 3s make their Write Instructions and make their own Fruit Salads

Over the past fortnight, the children in Year 3 have been learning about the features of instructions, including imperative verbs, time conjunctions and adverbs. This week saw the children apply their understanding to work collaboratively to make their own fruit salad before writing a set of instructions in their classrooms. The children worked sensibly in groups to prepare the fruits before each enjoying a delicious bowl of what they had made.


Mr Michael Year 3 Leader

Year 6s enjoy their Aztec Day 

Today was Aztec day. The day that everyone was looking forward to for ages. We enjoyed a variety of activities such as; Patoli, Aztec puzzles and so much more! The Year 6 squad looked like a 

unique Aztec civilization filled with colours and joyful faces. This morning, we took some wonderful photos and we got to choose some awesome Aztec names with magical meanings. For the Aztec escape room, everyone was able to crack the code and we did it all just before break time. After some snacks, we burnt all our energy with a fun physical activity. Patoli (the game we played) was an Aztec ball game which involved a lot of fast movement. For a moment, we were transported back through the centuries to the time when this amazing civilisation lived! Finally, we ended the day with a class cooking session, where we took the time to make some spicy salsa with some tortilla chips on the side.


Freya Year 6F Student


What fun we had today! Lots of children enjoyed the various activities today. Everyone dressed up as an Aztec citizen and some people got really creative and added accessories (Like swords, shields and lots more). In the morning, every class took wonderful photos, and we chose Aztec names afterwards with unique meanings. Then we did a more fun activity next… ESCAPE ROOM! However, this was a bit challenging for some people, but everyone cracked it in the end. After a small break and some snacks, we energised ourselves with some physical activity. The game we played was called Patoli, a fun Aztec ball game. Finally, we ended with a nice cooking session, in which we spent the time making some fresh salsa (With some chips on the side). I hope everyone enjoyed this day!


Nice Year 6F Student

Year 2 visit the Airforce Museum

The last two week's have been most exciting for our Year 2 children as they visited the Royal Thai Air Force Museum in Don Muang. The children explored a wide variety of aircraft from replicas of the first Thai planes, to rescue helicopters and the “Oldest Tiger” (the F5 Sonic jet). They compared the global history of flight to that of Thailands and how various ways planes have been used throughout the last century. They were excited to be able to go inside planes, sit in cockpits, explore the controls and learn about how pilots train. Getting up close to the aircraft embedded language and knowledge they had been learning over the last 7 weeks of our transport topic. Of course, a trip is not a trip without a picnic when we enjoyed a packed lunch and snack provided by the canteen. I was lucky enough to join both groups and the children were an absolute delight to take out, they were impeccably behaved showing interest and excitement to be learning outside of school. Many thanks to the parents who volunteered their time to look after the children and the staff who guided them so well around the museum. I can’t wait for our next trip out! 

A note to Year 2s: You can view more pictures by following the photos and video link on your moodle pages. 


Mrs Meg Year 2 Leader

Year 5 walk and talk like Romans!

Last Thursday, Year 5 students got to take part in Roman day where they all got dressed up as emperors, gladiators and a range of other Roman outfits. Students chose several activities which included creating their own Roman building using Minecraft, Horrible Histories Roman acting, creating Roman numerals posters, playing traditional Roman games, making Roman coins from clay, designing some Roman art and playing a variety of Roman board games. Fun was had by all!


Mr Dai Year 5 Leader

FS3 start their international fortnight

Last week, Foundation Stage 3 invited various parents in during the week to share special things about the countries they were from and their culture. As you can see from the photos, the students had a fantastic time learning about the different cultures, making things and dressing up.

Year 4 Parents find out about iCamp

Last week the Year 4 parents were invited to school to see a presentation by the iCamp staff about the upcoming Year 4 residential trip to Kanchanaburi. Two camp counsellors from iCamp explained all the exciting activities that the students will experience when they are on their residential in November. Mrs Kat, our Year 4 leader took some questions from the parents. The students are all very excited about their residential!

Primary and Foundation Stage: Aztec and Roman Day Celebration, Airforce Museum and International fortnight - primary-and-foundation-stage-aztec
Primary and Foundation Stage: Aztec and Roman Day Celebration, Airforce Museum and International fortnight - primary-and-foundation-stage-aztec

1st Session: Tuesday 4th October 2022

2nd Session: Tuesday 25th October 2022

3rd Session: Tuesday 22nd November 2022


All sessions will be from 8:15 am - 10:00 am in the Exam Room at Primary School.


These workshops will help parents identify the three meta skills that will focus on building, maintaining and repairing your connection with your child. The first workshop focuses on the skill CONNECT and looks at what it takes to create a lifelong bond with your child. It will also throw light on parenting pitfalls that we get trapped into which can inhibit this bond.


Open to all STA Parents (Primary & High School)

Cost: 650 baht for all 3 sessions - Register

Primary and Foundation Stage: Aztec and Roman Day Celebration, Airforce Museum and International fortnight - primary-and-foundation-stage-aztec

For more information please contact:

A Note from our Nursing Team


Dear Parent/Guardian,


To provide a safe and healthy environment for our students, it is required that every child attending St Andrews International School, Bangkok has a complete and up to date medical information sheet. 

This enables us to provide the best medical care for your child should the need arise. The completion of this form is mandatory and is required to enable your child to attend school.

Even if your child’s medical status has not changed, it is important that you complete the form to consent to first aid,medical treatment and to confirm your emergency contact details.

This information can easily be updated via the Health app in Moodle or via this LINK 

Primary and Foundation Stage: Aztec and Roman Day Celebration, Airforce Museum and International fortnight - primary-and-foundation-stage-aztec

There are 3 simple steps to steps follow:

  1. Check that the auto populated information for your child is correct 

  2. Update vaccination/allergy and medical conditions 

  3. Update consent for the administration of medication 


The contents and use of this form will be treated as Confidential, and is overseen by our nursing teams. This information will only be made available to Government or private medical or paramedical staff and relevant St Andrews staff members in the event of an accident or emergency. 


Should you have any questions and wish to contact our nurses directly you can email them at:

High School:

Primary School:


Many thanks,

St Andrews Nursing Teams