Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
20 September, 2022

Primary and Foundation Stage: Tasting Day, PTG and Fire Drill!

Primary and Foundation Stage: Tasting Day, PTG and Fire Drill! FireDrillpng

As part of their topic on ‘The Senses’, Year 1 students had a tasting day last week where they tried different tastes of things and had to describe the tastes. Some of the foods were bitter, sweet or sour with different textures as well. The students were blindfolded before tasting so their taste sense was heightened. Fruit was tasted and described but also things like mustard and chocolate powder. Well done Year 1 for being so brave with trying all the different flavours!

The rest of Year 6 visit High School

Last week some more of the Year 6 students were invited to High School for the first transition events of the year. There was an introduction by the Heads of Year 7 as well as lessons with Art and Science teachers.

The children used mixed media to create impressive artwork based on different insects and did an excellent job. Or they drew portraits of a classmate using different and fun techniques - observation of the subject was the key focus. 

In the science labs, to support the Year 6 Science work on the human body, the children had the opportunity to dissect a heart under the supervision of class teachers and Science teachers from High School. It was a fascinating session, and the students were extremely sensible whilst opening up the different chambers of the heart! Click here to learn more about the exciting transition to Year 7

International Day Country Reps Meeting

Last week the PTG ran a meeting to discuss the upcoming International Day with the Country Representatives that will be putting together a table in the Sports Hall to share food from the various countries with the students. Ms Stacey went through all the things that will be required from the reps and their helpers. The day will, as always, be a fantastic experience for all the students but does not come together without an incredible amount of hard work from the parents and the PTG. STA thanks you all for the effort and looks forward to the day!

Fire Drill in PS

The students all practised the Fire Drill in Primary School this week. They were able to quickly and safely leave the building without delay and line and be registered by their teachers. The school practices this a few times a year.

Seesaw in the news

Some of you may have seen some recent news articles about Seesaw - the digital portfolio used across the Primary School to share children’s work with parents.

Unfortunately, they experienced some security issues with the new messaging service which came online this academic year. As you’ll see from the initial email sent to all customers, they were very quick to react to prevent any further incidents.

As you’ll see from the subsequent email outlining the key security updates, the company has swiftly dealt with these vulnerabilities to ensure that the platform remains safe for use in schools.

STA does Taskmaster again! 

This time we are getting foody. The challenge is to create a face using food. This can be using breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even your second breakfast! We hope to see some extremely creative ideas with some exotic foods. 

To enter, please send a photo of your entry to Mr James ( The deadline is Sunday, 25th of September. House points will be given for every entry received, with even more for the winners!

If you are struggling with ideas see the Google Slides for the creative and yummy ideas our House Team came up with.