Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
23 April, 2021

Why is Senior Studies at St Andrews International School Bangkok the right pathway before university abroad?

Why is Senior Studies at St Andrews International School Bangkok the right pathway before university abroad? Most of our students have ambitions for moving abroad following Senior Studies to study at university. Every year these graduates follow in the footsteps of our alumni who have attended some of the world’s best universities and whose success stories are inspiring proof of the exciting pathways which await them.

Most of our students have ambitions for moving abroad following Senior Studies to study at university. Every year these graduates follow in the footsteps of St Andrews alumni who have attended some of the world’s best universities and whose success stories are inspiring proof of the exciting pathways which await them.

We have prepared thousands of past students for the transition from school to university, and have long perfected the recipe for ensuring them the best future international pathway. So, what’s the key to setting them up for success?

Internationally recognised qualifications

Our Senior Studies programme consists of numerous personalised routes to university and colleges. We offer the rigorous and world-renown International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme as well as a unique combination of career-focused BTEC & IB courses combined. Both highly regarded and internationally recognised pathways to university. 

Unlike many schools which focus on A-Levels, we favour the IB for its worldwide prestige and the international pathways it opens up for our students. Popular university destinations, like the UK for example, will notice the IB in university applications and recognise it as a, particularly competitive qualification. Why is this? 

Firstly, the IB is known for preparing students far better for university study than any other. 

The IB is specifically designed so that its core elements mimic the way university students study their degree. Through tasks like the extended essay, for example, students practise skills like independent research, thinking laterally and creatively, and exploring subjects so that they shape their own opinions. Studying the IB results in students who do not simply repeat what they have been told and memorise answers for their exams, they thoroughly understand what it means, why it is important and how their learnings fit within a global context. 

Additionally, the BTEC route alongside IB courses is a route that stands out to universities and future employers. These students boast extremely valuable career and vocational experience along with certified academic rigour.  

Nord Anglia global connections

The right qualification and a stand-out university application is one important element on the journey to university, but equally as important is our role in educating students about where they could study and what it will be like. Our aim for every student is for them to leave our school with well-placed expectations and their questions around their university destination answered. The global Nord Anglia family they are part of is crucial to this. 

Being involved in our global community of schools gives students the opportunity to access local support in the country of their university of choice. Our students have attended universities at some of the world's best universities and colleges in the UK and US. In these countries and in a further 28, we have staff and alumni who work there and have attended university there. This wealth of knowledge is a valuable resource for students. Elsewhere, a student's best understanding of their future university abroad may be the university website. At St Andrews International School Bangkok we can connect students with experienced individuals who can bring the university destination to life. 

For more information on how we prepare students for the future, visit our page or contact our admissions team below.