Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
27 August, 2018

PTG: “New to Bangkok” Coffee Morning

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PTG: “New to Bangkok” Coffee Morning The PTG Committee is excited to invite all parents to a coffee morning aimed at helping new parents settle into life in Bangkok.

The PTG Committee is excited to invite all parents to a coffee morning aimed at helping new parents settle into life in Bangkok.


“New to Bangkok” Coffee Morning

The PTG Committee is excited to invite all parents, High School or Primary, whether you are new to Bangkok or not, to a coffee morning on Thursday 30 August 2018 starting at 08.15. It will be held in the Drama Studio at Primary School. At some point or another, many of us have been new to Bangkok and we know how daunting it can be to adapt to this amazing, vibrant city. Add to that our children have to adjust to a new school and the result can be a feeling of being lost and helpless.

We have all been there!

Please join us in the Drama Studio on Thursday to meet other parents and have an informal chat about anything that is on your mind. It can be school-related or it can just as easily be about where to live, the best places to shop, things to do at the weekend, activities for your children…. The list is endless.

We really look forward to meeting you there.

International Day

Planning for International Day is already under way. Last year’s coordinators will have received an email from the PTG in the hope that you can help us again this year. If you can’t, please nominate a replacement as this will make the organization go much more smoothly. We will have a meeting of coordinators within the next couple of weeks and the coordinators will get in touch with parents registered under their nationality. Just a quick reminder - International Day at Primary School will be held on Friday, 12 October 2018 and at High School on Friday 19 October 2918. For parents new to St Andrews International School Bangkok, International Day is an amazing celebration of the diversity of our student body and, while school organizes a great assembly and many fun activities during the day, the PTG organizes the well-loved “International Food Court” that takes place at lunch time. Students and teachers can sample a huge variety of food from as many countries as possible represented at our school. Your help on the day would be most welcome but equally, we are extremely grateful for donations before the event. Your country coordinator will be in touch with details.

Lost and Found and Second-hand uniform

Second-hand uniform is available to buy and all proceeds are given to the Baan Dek Foundation, one of our school’s charities, who use the money to buy uniforms for the children in their care. From this year, the sale of second-hand uniform is being run alongside the Lost and Found at Primary School. New systems are being set up and information will be sent to everyone soon. In the meantime, if you have any used uniform that you no longer need and that is still in good condition, please drop it off at the Uniform Shop at either the Primary or the High School and we will collect it from there. Lost and Found is run entirely by parent volunteers and we would very much like to increase the amount of time that the Lost and Found is open so if you have a couple of hours to spare any morning during the week, please get in touch with us on Any help would be much appreciated.

Please ensure that everything that your child brings into school is clearly labelled with their name and class as this will ensure that things are returned to the student.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook which is a great way to get in touch with parents, make new friends and find out all about school and living in Bangkok in general.

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