Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
02 October, 2017

High School: Top in Thailand, and the World!

Special students
High School: Top in Thailand, and the World! Updates on this year’s Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards, International Days and Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings, as well as the first Drama exam performances in our new Drama Studios.

Every year, Cambridge International Examinations holds a Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards Ceremony, where the students who have achieved the best marks in Thailand, or the World, are honoured for their outstanding performances.

It has been a pleasure to attend many of these Ceremonies during my time at St Andrews, but I am looking forward to this year’s Ceremony even more than usual. In each of the Parents’ Information Evenings that took place earlier this term, I described how last year’s Year 11 students achieved our best IGCSE results ever, and this is reflected in us also having our biggest ever number of Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards winners.

Congratulations to Naomi (IGCSE Environmental Management), Natasha (IGCSE Enterprise), Grace (IGCSE Business Studies and Top in the World at IGCSE First Language Thai) and Eloi (IGCSE First Language French), and to all their teachers who have helped them achieve these Awards.

A number of our earliest Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards were for Drama, and it was great to see the Year 11 Drama students’ first exam performances - the first in our new Drama Studios - on Thursday last week. While the three plays were very different, they shared a level of both performance and production that was exemplary for IGCSE Drama students. Congratulations to all the students involved, and to Mr Jason and Ms Alia, their teachers.

IGCSE Drama 1 IGCSE Drama 2 IGCSE Drama 3

As we move into October, we have started to plan this year’s International Days - which will be celebrated on Friday 10th November in the Primary School and on Friday 17th November in the High School.  As is tradition, the PTG will be involved with the International Food Buffet, where each country will have its own Food Stall, allowing students to sample foods from around the world. Last year we had stalls from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Madagascar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand and the USA.

flag day

There will be a meeting for last year’s Country Representatives on Thursday this week, with the meeting taking place from 8:30 onwards in the Exam Hall on the 7th Floor of the Blue Building. If any parents who were not involved last year, especially if their country is not listed above, would like to be involved, please contact the PTG:

October also means that High School teachers have started writing this year’s first Grade Reports, for students in Years 11 and 13. The publication dates for all this term’s Grade Reports, and the dates of the subsequent Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings, are shown below, as they have been in previous Newsletters. The dates for Terms 2 and 3, including the Year 10 and 12 Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings, can be seen on the full High School Calendar available on the school’s website.

Also shown below are the start of the Year 9 and 11 Option Choices processes, with Information Evenings taking place on Tuesday 31st October and Tuesday 7th November respectively.

Roo Stenning

Head of High School

High School Calendar: Term 1

Friday 13th October

Memorial Day for the Late King Rama IX

Friday 20th October

Year 11 and 13 Grade Reports published

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October


Tuesday 31st October

Year 9 Options: Parents’ Information Evening

Thursday 2nd November

Year 13 Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings

Tuesday 7th November

Year 11 IB Information Evening / Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings

Friday 17th November

High School International Day

Friday 24th November

Year 7, 8 and 9 Grade Reports published

Tuesday 28th November

Year 7 Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings

Thursday 30th November

Year 8 Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings

Tuesday 5th December

Father’s Day: School Closed

Thursday 7th December

Year 9 Parent/Student/Teacher Meetings

Monday 11th December

Constitution Day: School Closed

Friday 15th December

Year 10 and 12 Grade Reports published

Friday 15th December

End of Term 1