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News image IMG_6817 1 Blog | artsnews | Creative Arts | High School
Art: Diversity, Similarities and Differences
This week we look at how diversity is represented in the work of our High School students. And celebrate the work of our Artist of the Week.
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News image pasted image 0  20190521T121205411 Blog | Primary School
Primary School House: Y4s attempt Dashbot challenge
The first of a series of House competitions took place last week with Yao taking home top prize and the lion’s share of the House points. Congrats to all the participants.
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News image 6859036191940092404_IMG_8990 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Geography meets Culture in Japan
Student write ups from each day of the recent Geography and Culture Enrichment Trip to Japan and news of the forthcoming Health and Wellbeing Parents' Workshop.
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News image 130519 ks1 1 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: Next steps in Sustainability
Our Eco-Beasts will be meeting with the Primary Leadership Team and Epicure to further reduce the amount of waste produced at Primary School...Read on for more information on how you can recycle cardboard at school.
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News image IMG_6795001 Blog | artsnews | Creative Arts | High School
Art: Natural and Manmade
Year 10 artists and photographers at St Andrews International School Bangkok have just completed their first major work. Here is a small selection.
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News image 60226398_10161851373250061_3345300879543631872_n Blog | sport | High School | Sport and PE
High School Sport: Passion and commitment
Our volleyballers line up for some great game experience before being part of BISAC next year. Our basketball players show their passion for and commitment to the game by participating in the Youth Basketball Thailand tournament.
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News image IMG_20190430_121238 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: STA around the World
We have students in Japan and Indonesia this week, for the Geography and Culture Enrichment Trips and the Year 12 ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) Fieldtrip, but this week’s focus is on the recent NAE STEAM Festival at MIT.
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News image 246x0w Blog | High School
High School Library: Even more online research resources
Staff at the Simon Lawrence Library of St Andrews International School Bangkok are pleased to share information about two more digital research tools available to our senior students.
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News image MIT_ChallengePosters_A4STAbkk 15 May 20194 Blog | Global Education | Primary School
STEAM: Superheroes
STEAM Week at the Primary School! Students from Foundation Stage to Year 5 will take part in various MIT inspired challenges from Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May 2019.
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News image 070519 ks1 6 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: A glimpse into the future
We are already looking ahead to the next academic year with children visiting their new shared areas and getting to know the teachers...Parents will also get the chance to learn about the next phase of their children’s journey at St Andrews International School Bangkok.
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News image IMG_1063 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Balls, bats and balance beams
Years 4 and 5 work hard and have fun at their Sports Days and our footballers, teeballers and gymnasts continue to impress with some excellent results. Don’t miss out on the U11 Friday Night Game - come and join in the fun. Plus with FOBISIA nearly upon us please check the kit list for the trip!
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News image IMG_2677 Blog | musicAndDrama | Primary School | Performing Arts
Primary School Music: Baby Shark inspires Chicks and Lambs
A wonderful collaboration between St Andrews International School Bangkok Year 6 students and FS2/3 students created a new version of a favorite song.
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News image school33392258ver10640360 Blog | Primary School
Primary School Library: Scholastic Book Club is back
The ever-popular Scholastic Book Club is live from today until 17 May 2019. Don’t miss out on benefitting from this great selection of offers. TIme to get your holiday reading organized.
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News image 070519 drama 2 Blog | musicAndDrama | Creative Arts | Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) | Performing Arts | Student Work and Success
Drama: Bugsy Malone - from page to stage
Students took to the stage last week in St Andrews International School’s High School Production of Bugsy Malone on Tuesday 30 April and Wednesday 1 May 2019.
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News image DestinyDiscover Blog | High School
High School Library: Discover your Destiny
Staff at the Simon Lawrence Library at St Andrews International School Bangkok are happy to give your more details about Destiny Discover - an extremely useful tool for our students and teachers alike.
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News image MythBeast FLAN 7E Blog | artsnews | Creative Arts | High School
Art: Year 7 Mythical Beasts
Year 7 artists have been creating strange hybrid beasts. Here are some examples.
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News image c4f2baa6bf5f4eeca0d78f1f63f7cf62 Blog | sport | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: A balanced team effort
Tennis, gymnastics, swimming and tee ball in one weekend. Find out how our STA athletes performed...
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News image 290419 sport 3 Blog | sport | Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) | Sport and PE | Student Work and Success
High School Sport: Stroking, spiking, and splashing our way to success
STA Marlins made a splash at the BISP Flying Fish 2019 competition...Our U15 Volleyball team took part in the BISAC Plate competition with some great results… The U15 Water Polo Team had a fantastic debut at the 2019 BISAC Festival...Our next Friday Night Game is coming soon, featuring our U11 ballers.
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News image IMG_6836 Blog | High School
High School: “Tomorrow, as they say, is reserved for dreams.”
It’s the week of the High School Production - There are still a few tickets available for each performance.
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